Not sure how many times we need to go over this gang, but ejaculating on a woman isn't hot/sexy/not-rape unless she wants you to do it. And since she probably never actually wants you to, that should say unless she does a convincing job of pretending that she wants you to. Also, a reminder that ejaculating into a woman's drink doesn't mean she gave you a blowjob. Someone update dude here from this Somerville Patch story:
A man ejaculated on a 21-year-old Cambridge woman riding the Red Line into Davis Square, according to a report from MBTA Transit Police.
According to the report, the woman got on the Red Line train at Alewife Station at about 10:45 a.m. Tuesday and began to read the Boston Metro newspaper. [Respek - Luke]
As the train pulled into Davis Square Station, "the victim noticed what she described as a disgusting smell and something wet on her jacket, and [she] also noticed a male party next to her with his hands down his pants," the report says.
The woman initially accused the man of urinating on her, and he said, "no no" while zipping his pants up, the report says... read the rest here

Known 'junk waver' apparently
I guess it's not funny in anyway, but come on dude.
Kind of regretting having to look at that dude's face every time I bring up the page.
Nothing like the scent of unwashed homeless dick-spunk in the morning.
is that guy the horny ghost of bill hicks?
Guy doesn't look that homeless.
Hrm, maybe it's shitty to be making light of an obviously crazy person. Someone check me on that.
I like that he's wearing what seems to be a letterman jacket.
Zach Info
But Luke what are your thoughts on the lynching of your former coworker Lesley Arfin?
Ha. Yeah right though, Zack is way to skinny for that now.
As for the whole Barf thing, I think that there is something to be said about how the whole ironic racism thing is kind of weird, but I'm probably going to stick with my own version of it until I get in trouble somehow.
Guy looks like me, and it's pissing me off.
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