At first I thought this video of a Red Sox fan getting dropkicked over a few rows of seats at Yankee Stadium was a clip from the new Avengers film coming out this week, but then I realized this is like every night at every sports-ball game anywhere, so it didn't seem all that fantastical anymore. Still though, goes to prove two things: OWAH SPAHTS FANS GET THEYAH ASSES KICKED HAHDAH THAN YOWAHS. And that New York fans are all scumbags.

"I'm fighting with you because some millionaires who don't know we exist did something."
Yeah, basically. But, you know, I would get it if it were fighting over Brady and Welker.
You got anything new for me btw?
Opposing fans aren't usually segregated at US sporting events, amirite? Are scuffles like this common or do most people act like adults?
Why do girls start shit physically with guys? I mean some girls out there could kick a dudes ass, but not these feckin broads.
Yeah, that's usuall not a good idea.
Patrick, I think there is probably at least one fight like this at every single game everywhere, if not way more. Whether or not that's a lot when you have tens of thousands of drunk people, a lot of whom are going home disappointed, I don't know.
What that showed me is that the Sawx lady has one tough noggin. Or, she was so boozed up she didn't feel that steel rail slap the back of it.
I enjoyed the delayed fall-back after getting kicked. Kind of a twist.
Yeah you could devote an entire website to videos of fights at Yankees/Sox games let alone all games everywhere.
was at a sox game in the bleachers. dude walks into bleachers wearing a yankees jersey. boos start immediately. fast and hard. kid turns around and the number on his jersey is 2(jeter) and for the name it says "homo" crowd goes berserk. oof, found out who the commentators on are though.
haha. that's a good bit doe
Weird how there are no organised hooligan gangs associated with US sports teams. You could have the Boston Goombahs vs the New York... Trusties?
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