Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Worst popular band in history of rock is mad no one likes them

So many questions about this NEWS ITEM that showed up in my inbox just now. What's Showbiz Tonight? What's the NCAA Big Dance Concert Series? Is it too late to cancel this boring blog post I haven't figured out a punchline for yet? 

"In an exclusive interview with Showbiz Tonight, members of the band KISS slam the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. KISS, who performed at the NCAA Big Dance Concert Series this weekend, has been eligible to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame since 1999, but has never received the honor. Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley critique the organization, saying that the voting process is an insult to artists." 

Madonna should be in the Disco Hall of Fame. Solid burn, bro. There's a reason KISS haven't been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame b†∑, and it's because they fucking blow. End of story. Next in line.

The thing that interests me here, however, is the concept of halls of fame in general, and why we give a shit who ends up in them. Endless hand-wringing goes on every day in sports fandom about whether or not this guy or that guy will end up in the Hall of Fame someday. Is he a first ballot candidate? Will he get SCREWED OVER by the voters? As little as sports matter in the present, it's like these dudes are already setting up pointless arguments they're going to be having in 30 years.

I like sports as much as the next fucking loser who hates his life, but I'm sorry, I just can't get it up for an argument about whether a guy who played in the past gets to have his face on a plaque on a wall in the future I'll never see, and that only exists so people can argue about whether or not he belongs there.

It's the same thing for Rock and Roll. If your legacy is important, you will be remembered. Those are the rules. The only way any of us exist in the first place is in other people's memories anyway. Once the brains that carry the imaginary dust of our stupid faces and/or souls stop firing electrons, then so too does our legacy. That's not such a raw deal. Buys you an extra thirty years or so after you're dead, depending on how shitty your grandkids are. Probably pretty shitty knowing you guys.

Besides, I'm pretty sure that arguing that you belong in a Hall of Fame is a pretty solid indication that you in fact do not. KISS claiming they should be in there is like me saying this blog posts belongs in the Blog Post Hall of Fame. 

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And now I must admit I (used to really but not so much anymore, I will say safely) like KISS.

Strutter's a good song, right?

They should be in the R&R HOF.

Anonymous said...

Kiss is to Rock and Roll as Star War's is to Science Fiction. There was something ground breaking and epic there in the beginning but has since ,as we all know, gone to complete shit. Say what you want about Kiss but they suck just as much as the whole pomp and bullshit that is the "Rock and Roll" hall of fame.


SO many people trying to convince me to GIVE KISS A CHANCE right now.


It's like being cool. Once you say you're cool, you're not cool. That's why I'm so cool; because I just don't care.


Saying that you're cool because you don't care that you're cool or not is not cool though.


Woh, this is the quickest on here in a long time to get to 70 likes in an hour or two. PEOPLE REALLY HATE KISS.

As usually better conversation going on on Facebook thread than in the shitty comments section of this shitty site which no one comments on for some reason.



I thought you were going to have your tech team set up a Facebook comment section on here O'Neil.

Get your shit together!


I was going to, but then I remembered I don't have a tech team. You know how to do that? Tried a while ago, but then it was just keeping the same thread under every post.

Also, I guess I'd rather have the ability for people to comment anonymously, since I suppose everyone doesn't want their names on this site. SO COMPLICATED


I personally don't know how to do that but I'll see if I can find out. I see what you're saying about the anon commenting and come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a Facebook commenting template that also allows people to retain their anonymity.

However, none of this matters ha!



Is this what you tried? Just wondering.


Oh, I think this part is new : "Threads stay synced across Facebook and on the Comments Box on your site regardless of where the comment was made."

I guess I'll try to install it again.


Dude, KISS kicks ass. Lot of sucky albums over the years, but a lot of classics too. Kings of big, dumb, stupid arena rock, explosions and fire, which is a massive part of rock 'n roll. HOFs are stupid, but any rock one without them in it is a joke. ABBA, Bob Seeger and The Pretenders are in there. The Pretenders. Jeezus . . .


Well, yeah, but just because The Pretenders blow doesn't mean Kiss doesn't also.

Abba are badass!


Wow. Kind of feel like all of my hard work in the comments section here has been shat on.


You big sensitive nerd. I appreciate you commenting.


Syke! Although you do ignore me on Twitter.

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