There's a reason why videos like this one above of a brave black lab who refused to abandon her wounded doggie friend in Los Angeles are so popular and emotionally effecting. Anthropomorphizing animals -- when we see, say, a dog showing off human-like characteristics such as empathy, or bravery, or friendship -- paradoxically reinforces our humanity while reminding us of our animalistic nature. Shorter: that dog thinks he's people like us!
Humans are something much worse than animals though, aren't we? We're content creators. If this dog was really going to be fully anthropomorphized accurately she probably would've pulled out her camera and filmed her dead buddy in the road for the clicks. Or posted about it on her blog. (More details: via via via)
Tell you what though, as of this writing that video only has about 24 thousand views. Grace the dog is really going to have to step up her PR offensive if she hopes to get anywhere near the 11 million + the loyal Japanese tsunami dog piled up.
At the time I called it the saddest thing I had ever seen.
Oh, and here's the other thing, a heartbreaking video that will heartbreak your heart into a billion pieces, then grind those little leftover pieces into dust, scoop them up into a tiny little baggy, then try to sell the dust back to you at such a huge street value mark up that you're like "Come on, bro." And you pretend like you're not going to buy it, but you do anyway, because it's getting late, and you don't want to miss the heartbreak party. It's a dog who won't leave his injured dog bro4lyfe behind after the tsunami. If you're not ready to blubber by the time he strokes the wounded little fella with his paw then you have no soul, and this is coming from someone who doesn't even like dogs, annoying little shit machines.

1 comment:
Big deal, I could lay in the road if there were traffic cones set up. That dog is a fraud.
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