Monday, July 13, 2009

Live Hip Hop

Dude. Please stop yelling at me. Pretty sure that if you have to berate people into having a good time it doesn't really count. Trust me, I try every time I bring my girlfriend to the casino.

Can you imagine what it's like having sex with one of these dudes? "MAKE SOME NOISE! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Gaah. Let's make a deal. If I promise to get my hands up for a minute or two, can you get your hype man to take a knee for the next few numbers? Dude's hoarse ass barking is seriously bumming me out.

I'm here for the music, not a fascist aerobics class. If I wanted to get guilt tripped into dancing and having fun I'd go to a wedding reception, ok?

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Know what's awesome, is the "stepping in dog shit" logic to delineate on-the-list vs. just-plain-sucks. Not that this has anything to do with this post


The List must evolve to survive!!!!


couldn't agree more.


steal my photo ideas, would we??


Imagining what it's like having sex with one of these dudes. List.


The HOT List.


Did you already use a photo like that Spothburger? Shit, I'll smash this one out.

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