Been trying pretty hard without much luck to come up with a list of things I might actually wait in a line for for more than five seconds. Here's what I've got so far:
- The last helicopter ride off of an exploding volcano island/zombie infested city
- A fucking suicide machine if I ever have to look at one of these lineups of man-children camping out over night for a new sneaker, computer gadget, Harry Potter thing or tickets to any concert or movie or sporting event or anything else even remotely entertainment related ever again.
- Bread
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is there a special elite turbo list? if there is, let's put waiting in line for sunday brunch right at the top of it ok?
was trying to work my disdain for people who wait for a table at a restaurant in here but i thought i'd save it for its own special entry down the line. adding brunch into the mix is like the VIP lounge of the list.
wow, brunch isn't on the list already? i could have sworn it was. looks like i know what my plans for the weekend are now. going to brunch.
brunch being on the list is my bit. it's a wedding(also on the list) for your breakfast, etc. etc. fuck that.
i hate brunch more than you pal! get in line.
but yeah, you go ahead and write it, thanks.
You fags set your alarm on the weekend so you can eat no later than noon? sdufigyrtheruiqwbfn34hrt5783459
Go ten minutes before they close. There's no line and they won't kick you out.
Mmmm mmmm mmmm nothing quite like waiting until noon for a vodka and tomato with a wilty stick of celery.
Eating a giant plate of meat and eggs and shit any time, never mind before 7 pm, is fucking disgusting.
Needing to go through this whole playacting scenario where you love to shoot the shit over coffee and muffins so you can get in a shot of vodka or champagne in the morning without hating yourself is just depressing.
Everyone likes to go out to eat or drink with their friends. Just do that. Don't make it a thing.
did someone miss their dose of ativan this morning?
what is ativan?
-donkeypunch playing coy to his wife
HOOOOOF!!!! ^^
Also, don't steal my name!
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