Evan Kenney brings us one step closer to answering one of life's eternal questions: whose music is more embarrassing, white dudes or black dudes? SPOILER: It's a tie.
When you got it, you got it, and Virgin Steele? They got it. They've got the look that the ladies go wild for. They wield a fiery sword that is dangerously close to burning up their wife's Beanie-Baby collection, they've got Al Bundy from The Matrix on guitar, and in this video, they are performing at some of the most picturesque video locations that Long Island has to offer. Can we say that these guys are the next Zeppelin? Without a doubt.
Oh man white people are awful, right? Haha, not so fast black dudes...
for Avis Video Production that I have seen yet. Look at that DANCING MOUSE!
for Avis Video Production that I have seen yet. Look at that DANCING MOUSE!
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At 00:35 that singer punches the air so hard that his leather jacket turns into a tank top.
Oh, man, it’s been a long time since I LOLed as hard as I did at the “Al Bundy from the Matrix on guitar” bit. Well done. Audio-only, you probably could have got me totally stoked for an Audioslave reunion.
Yeah that's the one that got me too. hahahaha
I just totally had an asthma attack reading this.
that jersey train wreck is like 10 minutes long. epq. plus, that dancing mouse seems like a good hang. white folks lose again.
Yeah, that mouse is mad chill. Pretend-fucking birds on the dance floor wins over playing pretend rock star wizard I guess.
Since I rarely have anything to do, I looked up Virgin Steele. Dudes have been making music since 1981, 12 albums deep. Gotta give em credit for doing what they love.
Do you though? I have no problem with anyone jamming out with their buddies, because what's more fun than that? But making a video you obviously put some level of effort into, posting it online etc. implies that you want attention for the thing you made and think it's worthy of said attention. That's where the shittiness comes in. Not the simple having fun.
That’s what I’m saying. I thought these were just some old IT dudes with too much time and just enough money on their hands, but it looks like they make their living doing this. Their Wikipedia page has 39 references. My favorite part of their Wikipedia page: David DeFeis - all vocals, keyboards, orchestration, synth bass, swords & effects.
Well shit, I've got a lot to think about.
That Avis video is one of the strangest things I've ever seen. I genuinely thought the second girl was trying to get away from her partner's roaming pelvis for a second. But then she jumped back in for more!
Right? I was like WOH DUDE CHILL, but then, as you say...
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