(Getty Images / TIMOTHY A. CLARY)
It was International Subway Pervert Free Pass Day earlier this week, aka No Pants Subway Ride, sponsored by Improv Everywhere and FlashMob Mexico. It's the one day of the year where it's not only OK to check out people's asses on your commute, but it's encouraged. Required, almost. Something about cultural norms yadda yadda art. Some other people took photos of this really important event, then Buzzfeed rounded up 50 of the best ones, then I took the ones I wanted to write jokes about and posted them here. Long story short: the internet.
(Getty Images / TIMOTHY A. CLARY)
More like SPROING ST if you feel me here.
(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
I like this one because it's what racists moms everywhere think is happening every time their little girl rides the subway in any city.
(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
That awkward moment when you realize you accidentally color coordinated your scarf with some punk kid's bikini briefs.
(Getty Images / TIMOTHY A. CLARY)
No Pants Day? I thought they said it was Shit Your Pants Day. Fuck, this is embarrassing.
(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
You know how sexist fat virgins trolling feminists "male gaze" articles and shit online are always like, if she didn't want me to stare at her body she shouldn't have worn that outfit? Not sure I can actually argue with them too much in this case.
(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
Remember when you were young before internet porn existed, and just getting a glimpse of literally any naked woman, no matter how old or plump, would give you a raging pants axe for weeks? I miss those days sometimes. Simpler times.
Dude here has that same look you get when you see a fucking bear in the woods, and you're like, don't move and no one is going to get hurt. Don't even look.
(AP / Marco Ugarte)
Look at this pervert. There's a kid in the photo buddy. Fucking gross.
You know that no-pants day is like Halloween is for a slutty broads in leg-piece bro world here, right? Gets excited about showing off his goods for weeks in advance.
(Getty Images / TIMOTHY A. CLARY)
And this shit is any different than any other day on the NYC subway how?
(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
That's pretty much how I feel whenever I see these damned wiener kids having any fun out in the world when I'm commuting myself. Just kidding I don't have a real job. But I would feel that way.
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Gray panties giving Santa a gray boner is the winner.
Hoof. You are correct.
Kind of bummed that even at that age that's how it is. I always thought that one of the payoffs of getting old is that you DGAF about tits and ass anymore. Makes the fact that you'll never get any of them again easier to swallo.
These chicks deserve to get cold. It's like they're asking for it.
Language like that hurst.
modesty lost...plus, most people are sooo damn ugly when naked!Pleeeassseeeeee keep your freak'n clothes on!
Most have mistaken this as a common prank. While some said that it was an event hoax. All in all, this is quite risque.
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