Wednesday, January 11, 2012

They hate us for our freedom. Marines piss on dead Taliban corpses

A video which appears to show US Marines pissing on the faces of dead Taliban soldiers. (h/t Metro Boston). Good thing they're only heathen savages whose lives don't count for shit, right gang? 

I'm not naive enough to think this sort of thing hasn't gone on forever in the long history of killing people and pissing on someone's face being funny, but homeboys here have hung themselves with the single biggest defining behavior of this retarded generation. Here's a pro tip: when you do something criminal, shameful, unethical, downright horrifying, or something that might, you know, further fuel the fires of Anti-American hatred even hotter than they already are throughout the world, maybe don't video it. 

Obviously what's going on here is the extreme results of dehumanaizing the enemy to the point that they're robbed of their personhood. The stream of piss is a metaphor, meant to exhibit distance between the target and the pisser. That's typical of any war, right? But you're gonna have to piss really long and hard to blast yourself up and away from this situation, marines.

video below. 

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Ugh. Are you on an apocalyptic end of our culture as we know it kick O'Neil?

Between this and The best and/or worst child's beauty pageant contestant ever thing I think you might be.


Only for the last 20 years or so.

Anonymous said...

few bad apples, nothing to see here, move along

Anonymous said...

You're exactly right. Just jam these guys up and problem solved.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing as American as seeing dudes stoked about other dudes with their wangs out. These colors don't run.



niccolo and donkey said...

Gay water sports are part of the new gay-friendly US Armed Forces, amirite?

Desecrating the enemy dead is as old as history.

Alana, baby beauty queen said...

a stream of piss across my face make me holla honey boo boo chiiiiild. USA! USA! USA! USA!



Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, the little sand people got a shower. I bet they'd be mad if they weren't dead. Shoulda lopped off a head and smoked opium out of the skull. Kids today.


That kind of unchill.

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