Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Downton Arby's is kind of funny + the sexy ladies of Downton

Never thought I'd find myself in a position to be saying this, but this comedy sketch produced by Yahoo! (or something), that I saw linked to on HuffPost Comedy via Jezebel is actually kind of funny. Those are like the three least funny websites I can think of, and I was just on the KONY 2012 page. Maybe it's just because I'm jonesing for another Downton fix and I'll take it anyway I can?

Speaking of jonesing and fixes, this will be of particular interest to the perverts with refined taste among us like me who can't masturbate without putting on a dinner jacket first, this gives me an excuse to post sexxi pics of the ladies of Downton Abbey, which you can find below (some NSFW).

Watch the video + Ethel just owning the shit out of a bikini + Lady Sybil's n00dz + more after the jump:


Seems like poor Ethel did a good job of shedding that baby weight, which probably wasn't easy, because that kid has the most giant British squash I've ever seen.

Weird, I just twigged that our Gwen here is going to be playing Ygrite in Game of Thrones this season! That's racist against red heads.

Sure, we all knew that Lavinia, saintly, perfect, fucked-over Lavinia was pretty, and Mary is the hottest pair of eyebrows on two twigs, but look at our Daisy on the right. Poor, simple, stupid Daisy. No offense.  YOU LOOK GOOD DAISY BB! You too Anna! 

You sly dog, you, Batesy.

Oh hello there Jessica Brown-Findlay aka Lady Sybil. I see you're really taking this women's liberation thing seriously. 


 Yowza, even O'Brien cleans up real nice. Anyway this post was weird.  Bye.

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Fraiche said...

I hope someone blogs about my boobs when my millisecond of airtime in a period drama occurs later this fall on ABC


I promise I will do my best to fulfill this request.

Also, don't talk that way about Downton Abbey!

Anonymous said...

Lavinia ftw.

Anonymous said...

Lady Sybil and her tiny boy nipples. I bet Nuttall has some nice pepperonis. English hooers.

'Allo Guvnah! Squirt and I'm out.


Always kind of weirds me out, that subset of dudes that always over-analyzing what someone's nipples look like.

Anonymous said...

It's easy, if I'm not getting some of that then I criticize the shit out it. That girl is pretty as hell though. Too bad the nips ain't big and womanly.

1st Place Hater several years running


series 1 is amazing. free on netflix now

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