Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart is dead. Meh.

Is he on some Tupac shit here? I almost find this hard to believe. Get ready for like 13 posthumous mixtapes from old boy here either way. 

Yes, all human life is sacred, and I hate to speak ill of the recently dead (because of magic), but I am not particularly saddened by this pig's death, if it is in fact true. I feel like it's an epic troll job in the works to see how people will react. SEE! LIBERALS ARE HATEFUL, HORRIBLE PEOPLE etc. I am happy to provide evidence of that. Sorry for his wife and kids or whatever, but maybe they should have chosen a better person to be in love with.

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Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that hate really can fuck with your health.


Hero of the stupid and angry, he spoke power to truth and was, in short, a cunt.

Did I leave anything out?


I think that about covers it.

Mùstārd said...

good for him on exploiting dumb people and making tons of money as a result. a true capitalist hero..

Zach said...

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, I suppose.


It'll get us all in the end won't it? No matter how hard we yell.

niccolo and donkey said...

Useless and annoying GOP operative, his death balances out that of scumbag Hitchens.


How do two obnoxious conservative blowhards dying even eachother out?

Anonymous said...

You people who hated Andrew Breitbart are more worthless than maggots and tapeworms. The man lived to reveal media bias and government corruption. But hey, you are too busy enabling the fascist dictatorship that is taking place in our country by the King of Fools, B.O. Oh and by the way all liberal men and women are degenerate inbreds who secretly lust after their mothers. Also the dudes who run this website like to felch each other.

niccolo and donkey said...

Luke, the notion that liberal humanitarian/atheist Hitchens was a conservative and that pro-gay Breitbart was a conservative is simply laughable and just goes to show how skewed to the left American politics has become.


get the fuck out of here skewed to the left. that's some bullshit right there.

there is no such thing as "pro-gay" first of all, there is simply "not a piece of shit bigot." Breitbart may have been that, but that hardly makes you a liberal. See our man, the most conservative bullshitter we know, Gavin, for evidence of that. He doesn't hate gay people. Congratulations, you meet a basic standard of human decency. Still way to the right on everything else.

Hitchens was a war cheerleader and extremely xenophobic. Is that enough to overshadow some of his other left-leaning stances to mark him in the conservative column? Maybe, maybe not.

niccolo and donkey said...

How can socially liberal people be deemed 'conservative'? That is an oxymoron.

And sorry, your charges of "bigotry" are meaningless, Luke. When it comes to gays, people are upset with all the special treatment they are receiving and resulting loss in freedoms for everyone else that comes with it. Conservatives by nature cannot be 'pro-gay' since homosexuality is an attack on the pillar of conservatism; the traditional family, whether extended (as through most of history) or nuclear. Men like Mishima and Rohm were fascists and homosexuals who understood that their sexuality was a deviation from the norm and a perversion and naturally did not seek to politicize it as is the trend today.

As for "war cheerleader", these wars that Hitchens supported were based on Wilsonian principles of "spreading liberal democracy" and "human rights" which are historically liberal positions. Right now I'm reading about this whole Kony campaign. It's simply an extension of the "bomb them for human rights" paradigm that has come out of the post-Cold War world.

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