It's been a couple weeks since the last edition of Dear PTSOTL, and ppl R still MAD about that ear plugs post. Conclusion: people who are bad at ear decorating are also bad at internet commenting. Here's the latest batch, with our imaginary hostess, Emma Mae.
Remember when Andrew Breitbart died? That was weird. This big fan=MAD about it, and us, and probably lots of other things he's not telling us about. Just want this guy to find the happiness he's looking for.
You people who hated Andrew Breitbart are more worthless than maggots and tapeworms. The man lived to reveal media bias and government corruption. But hey, you are too busy enabling the fascist dictatorship that is taking place in our country by the King of Fools, B.O. Oh and by the way all liberal men and women are degenerate inbreds who secretly lust after their mothers. Also the dudes who run this website like to felch each other.
Because we're gay! Speaking of which, Julian too thinks I am looking a little, eh, in my PTSOTL t-shirt. (Got a few left btw. YOU SHOULD BUY ONE).
Dude, you look a bit gay in the PTSOTL t-shirt. It's alright that it's tight, and you have a nose pierce, and it's in a feminine colour, but the pose as well, c'mon man!!! At least you've got tats, otherwise I would have printed this and put it all over West Hollywood.
Please do actually, I could use the extra advertising.
Regarding the only thing in the world anyone who reads this site care about, ear plugs, taaamraaa writes in to explain "THIS IS NOT THE 50'S ANYMORE!" guys are retarded...legitimately stupid. I honestly think I lost brain cells while reading all this stupid ignorant bullshit. WAKE THE FUCK UP! This is not the 50's anymore. we live in a modern society, and the fact that someone, who I would hope is somewhat knowledgeable, would make a hate blog against people with body modifications is sick and disgusting. Call me crazy, but I love a guy with stretched ears it's a HUGE plus cause guess what you shit I'm a chick with stretched ears. WHO HAS A 3.5 GPA AND A VERY LOVING FAMILY WHO ALL WENT TO COLLEGE AND EVERYONE HAS GREAT JOBS! I have never even touched drugs. so you can take your sorry stereotype and shove it so far up your ass you throw it back up, because guess what you sorry bitch? I HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN 1, NOT EVEN ONE, BLOG HATING ON PEOPLE WITH UNMODIFIED EARLOBES. So how dare you feel the need to talk about how stupid and dumb people look when you're just coming like an asshole who is crude and apparently has never been introduced to normal people. guess what silly fuck? 1 in 4 people has some form of modification, so one day you will take a girl home and find out under her pretty smile and clothes she might be covered. Also..don't make a fucking blog about something if you don't even know what it is called. THEY AREN'T GAUGES YOU STUPID FUCK. They are called plugs or tunnels.. gauges is a size a measurement. When you go for a walk you don't say I go miling for a mile you say i walk a mile. Get your facts straight and stop being so fucking judgmental. I bet you no one gives a shit what you look like so why do you even care what others do to their body? It just comes off like you live under a rock and just now found out people don't all look the same.
Also I hate to break it to you all but you can work and be modified... i have no idea why you people think you can't be.
Good to know. Kayla favors a more reasonable, forgiving approach:
Before the next person posts an angry response, please read mine first.
What point do you think you're making by insulting one another? How much authority do you really give to your argument when there is no respect in it? Gandhi once said, "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." and it is evident that this entire fued is pointless since we're arguing with the intention of shaming the other person.
To the modified community: calm down for a moment. With body modification comes the promise of dismay from many, many people and you need to learn how to tolerate those people and move on with dignity. Instead of being hateful and calling them stupid, why don't you educate them in a mindful manner? You act surprised, but it's a universal fact that people are usually opposed to that which they don't understand. What do you think you're achieving by demeaning your character with cheap insults and counterarguments that surely don;t apply to everyone within the bodymod community? Just because you're a good person with bodymods, does not mean everyone with a body modification is too. Saying that is basically stereotyping as well. Another thing that seems to be a recurring point is terminology. Honestly, I've never understood why the word "gauges" heats some people up. Why does it matter what we call it? We all understand that we're all talking about the same thing, don't we? "A rose by any other name smells just as sweet."
To those against body modification: It's okay. No one's is asking you to like them, but tolerance should be practiced here. It is not acceptable to discriminate, publicly or otherwise, and we need to realize both parties are at fault here. I understand how it can seem ridiculous/stupid, but the best way to deal with that is to just disregard it an still give everyone the same kindness they deserve.
I hope people read this and think twice before they post an immature, anger-blinded response. We're better than this; we shouldn't be disrespecting each other like this. This may be a joke-post taken too far, but it doesn't justify all this hate.
Peace and love,
Kayla <3
Want 2 party w U Kayla.

why don't people understand that the majority of jokes are funny because they're true?
this is like christians getting butthurt over dudes blowing other dudes.
your ears look stupid bro. ima laugh at you. if you accept my opinion maybe later we can bro down and have a beer. otherwise gtfo.
Ha, pretty much. So what if they look stupid. Everyone stupid looking person looks stupid in a different way. Tolstoy said that.
agreed. you have a lot of nerve making fun of people with obnoxious earlobes. :-S
I'll be the first to admit I am pretty stupid looking! Some people subscribe to my sexyness newsletter however. Some do not. That's how it works.
yeah. i have a neckbeard and dress like a wigger and i'm over 30.
brb, waiting to get mad at strangers judging me on the internet
"except this one, that I'm commenting on right now because it routinely hates everything" I'm sure she accidentally deleted
^+1s all around.
Freal doe, Emma Mae? She's really good at her job. We should all be that good at whatever it is we do.
caring what someone thinks of you. come on man. who gives a fuck?
I mean, sure, I get it, sometimes we're all human and it can be a bum out to get roasted, but that's part of the deal of being a social media android these days
So lemme guess, the Breitbart one was from your old SBTVC boss.
^ I am biting my e-tongue SO HARD right now. He still owes me money actually.
Anyway, this was quite good: "When you go for a walk you don't say I go miling for a mile you say i walk a mile."
I feel bad because I AM a degenerate inbred who lusts after his mother, and other people who read this blog have been tarred with the same brush.
This is the best. PTSOTL DRAMA 4 LIFE.
I went looking for further (kosher) Emma May material on google image search to no avail.
stop biting your tongue dude up there
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