Monday, March 12, 2012

What does Heather Morris of Glee naked have to do with Gawker's commenter problem?


Gawker's bloggy Bond villain Nick Denton thinks you're stupid. That's nothing new of course. You fucking idiots, with your low tastes, and boorish manner have long been the bane of Denton's existence. But the new media mogul explained, yet again, on a panel at SXSW Interactive this week, that he remains disappointed with the level of discourse across his sites' comment sections. "The idea of capturing the intelligence of the readership -- that's a joke." 

Basically NSFW after the jump.  See the uncropped images here.

He said that commenting on his own sites (which he's seen make reporters cry) has gotten so bad that he doesn't engage.

"I don't like going into the comments. ... For every two comments that are interesting -- even if they're critical, you want to engage with them -- there will be eight that are off-topic or just toxic," he said. CNN

Instead, he said, he'd like to see some sort of limited-access posts, where the subjects of the post can feel safe to come and defend themselves, Dov Charney answering for allegations of sexual harassment on Jezebel, for example. Another potential option could be deputizing favored commenters to police the ruffians who keep spoiling the rarefied air with their ungainly-worded finger-farts. Many, many of you people would like jump at the chance to sign on for that non-paying job. Let me know how that works out.

Denton, like everyone who runs any blog, including ones with many million fewer unique visitors, would just like you stupid dummies to smarten the joint up for him so he doesn't have to get anyone else to do the job. A good place to start might be the most recent story I found on Gawker just now This Week’s Naked Celebrity Phone Pics: Glee’s Heather Morris. Perhaps they should invite Morris on to defend her choice of tit presentation poses? Try not to bring the level of the discussion down by being such a disgusting boor about the topic, ok you guys?

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Moose said...

The internet would have you believe everyone's cell phone is packed with naked pics of themselves. Am I the only one who's cell phone is packed with naked pics of other people?

Anonymous said...

I think the Wiggles put it best: "Boob salad. Yummy yummy."


Hhaa, thought about you while driving through NH mountains this week buddy. MOOOOOSE CROSSING.

My phone only has pics of my dick. All dick shots. nothing else.

Moose said...

Haha driving through the NH mountains on the way to Leo's thing at midnight in the pitch black I was convinced I was going to hit a moose and die. The I thought about all the bits you guys would do on that one and thought for bits sake it would be fitting. Take your roasts moose running through my dome half the ride


The Worst Invention in History is a thing I might also like.


ha, yes moose, we would have done that for sure.

Patrick K said...

"See the uncropped images here"

followed by

"Page not found"

Please make this right.

Also he actually said that about his own site users? Surely the gals on Jezebel will be tearing him a new talkhole. I like the way he came up with the fresh new idea of having forum mods. Why hasn't anyone done that before?

Anonymous said...

Mùstārd said...

gawker and deadspin comments pretty much work like this.
[bad pun]
this is why the rest of the country hates you snotty new yorkers!
something about myself that derails convo
[worse pun than first one kills thread]



That's about the size of it. One of the things that drove me out of the Gawker comments, which I still read but barely enter one of my own, is the snitching ass bitches on there. Not on me, but like, pointing out people for offenses to the mods and being all shitty about. OH NO YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE #BANHAMMER. TF is that shit. Looking for validation like that? I mean, I get wanting invisible people you'll never meet to briefly push a button in your direction, but that stuff irked me.

Deadspin is alright, but the comments are trying way too hard there to be funny. I don't always want people trying to be funny and making puns. How about talking about the idea of the piece at least a little?

moøstãrd said...

How about talking about the idea of the piece at least a little?
-Marv Albert's hairdresser/makeup person


Yo mustard, I think you and I are just mad because they stole our attribution bit over there via the PCOX

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