Forest Hills during more peaceful times |
I wasn't going to post this piece below from Chris Haddrick at first, because in the wake of all the "Zimmerman can't be racist because he's Latino bullshit" I've been swallowing online lately, I don't really have the stomach for another conservatives-don't-understand-how-racism-works argument, but then I asked this one brown guy I know what he thought of it and he said it was ok. I suppose this case brings up some interesting questions about the way we apply hate crime laws. Also, as part of my ongoing efforts to be a home for wayward former Street Carnage writers, I wanted to get something from another reject on here.
Hoping to have a piece on here about the super crazy idea that different "minority" groups can actually be racist against one another and that they're not all one big hand-holding gang over the weekend, which apparently isn't obvious to a lot of conservatives. In the meantime, what do you think? Was this a "hate crime"?
At 6:40 on February 19 women assaulted a man at a subway station in Boston. The man is gay. The women beat him badly while shouting homophobic slurs at him after he allegedly bumped his backpack into one of them. They later claimed he used racial and misogynistic slurs against them, which I find hard to believe. Forest Hills is on the Orange Line, much of which is in the roughest parts of the inner city, the man is gay and white and the women were black. They also claim he purposely walked aggressively into them, but why would he do that?
The trial is today. Hopefully there's video footage because no one 's gonna snitch around here. Oh, and they're lesbians.
Despite the scary and brutal nature of the crime, reactions have been bemused. How do you score it? Is it a hate crime? How could it be? And why would lesbians who are no doubt subject to homophobia themselves gay bash someone?
I didn't give much thought to it beyond that's sort of weird, then I noticed () by "A-List New York" star, and former Lance Bass paramour, Reichen Lehmkul. I'm a big "A List" fan. It has excellent editing, and I sometimes check my twitter "A list-list" to see what they're doing. Usually some boring promotion. I only actually follow Austin Armacost. I think they all use fake names. I mean "Reichen"? that sounds Icelandish or something. Anyway, This is different from the Forest hills T station case because not only is everyone involved gay but also male. I kind of wonder: what If one of these bullies were merely bi-curious and told him he should die of AIDS, is it then a different crime? What if they're not sure about their sexuality (but are sure Reichen Lemekuhl is a whore)?
"Wow you learned something unexpected about a subculture, good for you" you say. To which I respond: hey, not many of you could skim an article and read two ENTIRE tweets. Also, what If a person who is half black goes gay bashing but doesn't utter a homophobic slur, but does say a racial one to a victim who is black? And then what if they'd joined forces and fought a group consisting of two whites and one black and called them gay? If a homosexual male falls in the forest does he make a sound? The answers to all these questions and more will be revealed in my new book "Post-Bigotral Discussiations: Gender and Hegemony in America and How the Free Market Can Solve Them."
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Fuck yeah, get some gay backpacker! Don't take no shit off dem black hooers. Somehow I don't think homey was dropping N bombs and throwing a hip check or two in there. I could be wrong. One time a gay beat me mercilessly. Never got my ass kicked by black lesbians. One thing is for sure, I wouldn't want to be the first anus the gay guy banged after that confrontation. You know it was angry sex on his part.
use to rock that backpackr shit myse;f
anonymous- I agree
With what?
with the assertation that he's never been beaten up by black lesbians. He's obviously not gay so how could he have been?
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