Thursday, March 29, 2012

New music Fridays or whatever day it is | The Hundred in the Hands + Dum Dum Girls

woh, this unchill cab driver is driving a bit fast

The Hundred in the Hands have a new album coming out and here's the first song from it called "Faded." You may now proceed to listen to it below. How does that feel? It's plenty spooky and cold and chill and wavey and all sorts of other words, but mostly doesn't even really seem like it exists, does it? Kind of taking that ghostly thing too literally here gang. Invisible songs! That should be a thing. My friend Zack told us recently he has a ghost in his house by the way. Admitted that he believes in actual ghosts. Kind of weird, but I was happy to hear it because now we can make fun of him about it until we all die. Probably at the hands of his vengeful ghost. 

Point is, the new track just makes me want to listen to "Sleepwalkers" so that's what I'm going to do now. Join me, won't you?

Here's the new video from Dum Dum Girls. Kind of wish I had known about this when I did that CRUSHWAVE round up the other day. Would have saved me some time.

I would make out to this song in the back seat of a giant car in the early 9tz/late 6tz I suppose.  I wouldn't necessarily choose it, but I wouldn't change the channel if it came out, you feel me?

That's all of the music. 

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