A New Jersey couple is in the news today because they're suing to get out of their lease. The house, they claim, is haunted. The landlord, perhaps unsurprisingly, is calling bullshit. They've hired a paranormal team to investigate, and apparently . Yo, if you wanted footage of a paranormal incident I could've filmed the post-chicken wings struggle with a demonic force in my bathroom just now.
I bring this up because I've been talking to a friend of mine lately about his own haunted house, and was planning on interviewing him about it for a while. Kind of an eery coincidence. Maybe my blog is haunted?
I asked my friends, Zack and Julia, to explain what's going on with their ghost. For science. What follows is the 100% true account of their ordeal. I haven't heard from them since they sent these last transmissions. It was only a couple hours ago, but still.
So what's the deal here, there's a ghost in your apartment? What does it do? When does it come out?
Zack: Not in my apartment but in my girlfriend's last place. I walked into her building's front door and looked up the stairs to her apartment's front door (straight stairwell with a slight turn at the top to the apt door). As I walked in I saw what looked like two black legs at the top of the stairs walking up and around the corner. [EDITOR'S NOTE: That's racist.] It didn't startle me as it looked like a person, but as I turned to close the front door it hit me that there was nobody else in the house and the door at the top didn't open. I rushed up the stairs to see if someone was there but there was nobody. I have also heard sounds of someone just doing regular shit in the kitchen, plates moving, pans etc., but nobody else was home but us.
She has had more experiences living there, hearing singing in the back stairs when nobody was home, feeling like being watched, and a negative energy, especially in the basement. There was a disembodied voice from the kitchen (male) saying 'Who's home??!!' loudly after she came home one day. She has seen its face on two separate occasions and even got a pic of it as it was fading away. She has heard footsteps in her bedroom as well. I will let her tell you those stories as I didn't experience it.
I will say she isn't one to be afraid of things and the fear I saw in her the first time she saw the face was genuine and disconcerting. Also, the night she saw the face for the first time, when we were laying in bed later that night I felt a cold spot move across my hand and up my forearm as if someone was feeling up my arm. I was fully awake and conscious and the portable heater was directly next to me on the floor. Julia later told me that she felt a cold spot on her face shortly after that. I got up and checked the windows and they are were fully sealed with no air flow at all.
JULIA: The ghost in my last apartment seemed to reside mostly on the stairs leading to the second floor (our apt was over the 2nd and 3rd floors) as well as in the kitchen, though I definitely heard and felt in in the basement, too. As for what it did and when it came out, well, that's something interesting in itself. It didn't really do much of anything until tensions started running high in the apartment.
Prior to that, Zack had seen shadowy legs going up the front stairs and I'd heard singing coming from the basement, but nothing too...deliberate. My now-former roommate and our downstairs neighbor used to joke that the house was 'the breakup house', that eventually, every couple fails and every roommate situation falls apart and that they had both repeatedly fallen victim. [EDITOR'S NOTE: :( ]
After I gave notice early, my roommate and I started (inevitably?) fighting. It escalated really fast, and so did the ghost activity.
I heard a man's voice say "WHO'S HOME" -- I didn't live with a guy and was the only one home, in the middle of the day. Another time, Zack and I both heard 'kitchen noises' like rustling, dishes clinking and water running when we were up in my room (kitchen on the 2nd floor, my room on the 3rd with the stairs off the kitchen) and the only ones home, and the air had a kind of electric feel.
There was one night when I heard footsteps in my bedroom after I'd turned off the lights. When I said firmly, 'I don't want to see you here, my bedroom is a safe space,' the footsteps stopped and didn't return. Also, on a separate occasion, I was peering down my staircase (that led down to the kitchen) and saw what seemed to be an oblong black orb (for lack of better word, not the traditional 'ghost orb'' that looks like a bubble, this was like a black spot) coming out from the apartment door... Thinking I was seeing the side of the wall clock or something like that, I leaned my head to the right to try and see better around the corner and the spot moved too, revealing itself to be a shadowy head coming through the top of the door.
As I was cleaning my bathroom in preparation for landlord walk-through, I felt watched. When I turned around, there was the ghost standing behind me. This time, though, its energy wasn't frenetic or disturbed. I got the impression it was curious. Even snapped a picture of it as it was dissipating. Zack has it in email, I think? One of those things, though, where you'd think it was just a shadow on the wall unless you knew what you're supposedly looking at.
Zack: Look at bottom right. The face is looking to the side, the mouth and nose on the white of the doorjam. You're looking at the side of his face. Look with it a little bit back from your eyes.
What does homeboy look like?
JULIA: It's a black shadowy figure (we called it "Shadow Man"). Based on the voice and masculine energy, I'd say a man. Plus, after the first experience of the singing coming from the basement, I told my roommate about it, and she told me that the roommate before me had seen a shadowy man walking around from time to time.
Like I said, Zack saw shadowy legs walking up the stairs. I saw the black spot of a head with faint divots for eye sockets, a wide mouth and no nose. In the bathroom that time I saw the full figure but the head and shoulders were the most visible. The rest kind of wisped out. It was far more opaque in the kitchen area than in the bathroom.
Is it an evil ghost?
ZACK: I don't believe so... The experiences seemed to be heightened by negative energy so maybe? It never did anything malicious to me.
Is it an evil ghost?
ZACK: I don't believe so... The experiences seemed to be heightened by negative energy so maybe? It never did anything malicious to me.
JULIA: It definitely fed on the negative energy in the house. It became more active as my roommate and I weren't getting along more. Unsure, truly, which came first -- the argument or some ghost goading. It was able to, and did, manifest more. The ghost being in my bedroom felt like an affront. The energy in the house became way oppressive.
It may be important to mention, also, that in my spare room (converted attic, I had a bedroom and then another room across the hall) there was a crawl space in the wall. There were pillows in there, an old comforter and old (mens?) shoes, and a lock on the outside. Not just a way to keep the door closed, a lock. I found that unusual from the start. I got the feeling something very bad happened in that upstairs room, if not in the crawl space but in the room itself. I never liked being in there, and chose the other room for my bedroom based on that feeling.
Have you seen ghosts any place else before?
ZACK: I have only had one other experience that I feel was in this same realm. An ex of mine thought she was more sensitive to these things and told me stories about how a shadow man lived in a very specific part of her parents' house. She told stories of seeing him in two specific hallways (same hallway but on different floors), how lights would be turned on and off etc.
We were there one weekend and as I was coming down the back stairwell it looked like a shadow man walked by the doorway and down the hall. The kitchen also connects in that spot so I assumed it was her father's shadow moving across the floor as he opened the refrigerator door. I didn't think much of it but when I got to the bottom of the stairs a few seconds later I heard him laugh at the other end of the house. It was then I realized what I saw and that it was the same hallway that this figure was reported to inhabit.
Now let me be clear, this wasn't out of the corner of my eye or in the blurry part out of the side of my glasses..this was in full view when I was looking directly at it. Part of why I think it was real is because it was so 'real' that my brain didn't even register that it was paranormal nor was I scared or looking for it. It just happened, naturally.
JULIA: I've had one other experience, in a motel in western, MA, that consisted of many individual cabins. I woke up in the night to see a woman with wild, long hair and crazy eyes hovering over me, inches from my face. I squeezed my eyes shut and woke my then-boyfriend and it was gone.
Who do you think it is?
ZACK: I don't know..maybe a former inhabitant of the house? I am still not sure 'what ghosts are', so it's hard to say.
Who do you think it is?
ZACK: I don't know..maybe a former inhabitant of the house? I am still not sure 'what ghosts are', so it's hard to say.
JULIA: No idea. A person that lived there before it was converted to apartments? Slumerville miscreant; hobo who died squatting in the crawl space? Who knows.
Do you believe in aliens and shit too?
Do you believe in aliens and shit too?
JULIA: It's funny, I'm a very "definite" person, but have no feelings on aliens one way or the other. I do, however, believe in shit.
Poop ghosts.
ZACK: I believe in facts and evidence. I think our universe if so vast that the probability of other life is too high to ignore. Do I believe they have visited us on earth? Maybe. I am not an irrational believer looking for any small thing to be a ghost or alien etc. I am, however, open minded and willing to see that there are many things that we do not know or understand yet and to shut it down as being 'crazy' or dismiss it because it is not commonly acceptable as 'real' is only a hindrance to progress and true understanding.
That's exactly how I feel about my writing career.
JULIA: I should also add that I've always been sensitive to energies (whether I believe in what I'm feeling or not). My grandmother is extremely sensitive as well, has somewhat prophetic dreams, and I read it skips generations. I have a history of having dreams with vivid snapshots of time playing out; being at a party with a cutout that can see through to the kitchen, for example, and years later attending a party with the host I didn't recognize in the dream (since I didn't know them yet in life) and with that same architectural detail. Major deja vu moments like that ever since I was small.
My dad helped renovate a synagogue in VT and I walked in and immediately told my dad that at one time in the past, a man had died in a particular corner of the room. My dad told me after that, that in the 1920s a visiting rabbi had had a heart attack (and died) in that corner.
My dad helped renovate a synagogue in VT and I walked in and immediately told my dad that at one time in the past, a man had died in a particular corner of the room. My dad told me after that, that in the 1920s a visiting rabbi had had a heart attack (and died) in that corner.

can't see it
the pic can't embiggen sadly. this really entertained/scared me. i'm scared of my basement, but suspect zombie activity more than ghosts.
That makes two people you know with ghosts in their house, Luke, because I have one too. And I captured a MUCH better photo of mine last year.
oh word dave? send it to me.
Here's the photo I posted to FB last year. I took a whole bunch of photos of the upstairs apartment after we finished most of the renovations. This is of the top floor bedroom, which we didnt do much with except strip wallpaper. I didnt notice the woman in front of the window until after I posted to FB. She doesnt show up in the original from my camera.
Peeps have stayed over, slept in that room, and said they havent sensed anything strange.
When we were working on the place we had lots of wierd shit happening. Spirits apparently get annoyed with construction.
I've been poked by it a handful of times. Once I had my neighbor in the house and it seemed to be agitated by him, it was poking at my shoulder repeatedly when I was standing there talking to the guy... the ghost clearly doesnt like my neighbor haha.
When this kind of stuff happens we take it in stride but when we tell someone about it they're like "it POKES you???" LOL
Doesnt bother us much now, it seems to have settled down since we finished reno, but when I'm on the third floor by myself, in that room or in the walk-in attic, it gives me the heebies. I'll warn it first - "I'm coming up there, relax dood."
Sooo if she didn't show up on your camera photo, how did it show up on Facebook? Facebook ghost?
dang, Dave! Wishing right about now my ghost had been of the non-shadow type and that I'd been able to capture that kind of image of it instead of some crappy dissipating shadow.
Who's home? I hope to fuck ya'll bought chicken, waffles, and my diabetes medicine!
The Ghost of Patrice O'Neal
you fucking people are batshit
Holy Moley! This looks like the facade of our apartment in central london! Crap on a cracker.
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