How come when some goofy music writer asks Obama about what's on his iPod and he starts talking about Jay Z I feel like I'm watching Bill Cosby play a saxophone solo at my dad's house, but when British politicians start fucking with each other they can use The Smiths puns? I'm trying to think of anything even remotely this witty happening on the floor of the Senate here in America and coming up really short. I want my money back. Something called Contact Music has the details:
Cult rockers THE SMITHS have been immortalised in Britain's parliament - they were the subject of a bizarre debate between Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON and a rival politician this week.
Seriously, try to imagine some of the sunburned husks of potatoes we have representing us talking about music back and forth and trading witty roasts without stepping into a mop bucket and falling down a flight of stairs. You can't do it. Surprisingly, Morrissey didn't take kindly to the conservative Tory leader WHO SHOOTS AND KILLS ANIMALS FOR SPORT name-checking The Smiths as his favorite band. He and Johnny Marr put out statements forbidding him from liking them. Shit like this has happened pretty much every election cycle ever when some clueless orange-faced goober has tried to co-opt "Born in the USA" as a campaign song, or some John Mellencamp Americana turd, but the difference here is, unlike The Smiths, both those musicians fucking blow.
Is it really so strange, you might ask? Well, these things take time, you see. It's like the death of a disco dancer in a way. Wait that one doesn't work. See how hard this shit is?
Watch the video and whatever below:
Is it really so strange, you might ask? Well, these things take time, you see. It's like the death of a disco dancer in a way. Wait that one doesn't work. See how hard this shit is?
Watch the video and whatever below:
Cult rockers THE SMITHS have been immortalised in Britain's parliament - they were the subject of a bizarre debate between Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON and a rival politician this week.
The band's songwriters Morrissey and Johnny Marr both criticised Cameron earlier this month after the U.K. leader revealed he's a fan of their music.
An opposition Member of Parliament, Kerry MCCarthy, raised the subject during a House of Commons debate on Wednesday, prompting a comical exchange in which the two politicians traded The Smiths song titles.
Referring to a crucial upcoming vote on the controversial issue of raising tuition fees for students, MCCarthy told Parliament, "The Smiths are, of course, the archetypal students' band. If he wins tomorrow night's vote, what songs does he think students will be listening to? Miserable Lie, I Don't Owe You Anything, or Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now."
But Cameron proved his knowledge of the British band's back catalogue by retorting: "I accept that if I turned up I probably wouldn't get This Charming Man and if I went with the Foreign Secretary (William Hague) it would probably be William It Was Really Nothing."

This is basically the same thing as Al Gore using Ice T's "Copkiller" during his campaign.
Remember when Strom Thurmond used to big up Tupac all the time?
American could have similarly quippy politicians, but you just haven't earned it yet baby. <-----!
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