Friday, December 17, 2010

In which I use a live review of a band to talk about myself

I get it
Because that's what music journalism is, right?

Weezer performed their two classic albums, the Blue Album and Pinkerton on back to back nights here in Boston. I went to both. I sang the whole time. I almost cried a few times. I am a total dork. Tell me how bad my taste is in the comments.

Night 1:
If I was putting together a list of bands that were most influential in my life, Weezer would be right up there at the top. But like a lot of original fans, the band as I knew it just doesn't really exist anymore in the way that someone you've broken up with after a long romance doesn't exist anymore. I mean, yes, they obviously still exist, but the thing between you doesn't. You aren't a couple anymore, you're two distinct entities piloting your ridiculous bodies around the world unconnected. When you bump into them from time to time seeing all the bad decisions they've made in the intervening years it further erases the memory.  Read the rest at the Boston Phoenix

Night 2:
When Weezer released “Pinkerton’’ in 1996, it was considered a failure by almost any metric. But for a generation of bands that formed in its endearingly awkward wake, Rivers Cuomo’s perfect document of imperfect longing served as a blueprint for the type of strident and yearning pop punk that was soon ascendant. By then Weezer had mostly moved on, with Cuomo, the band’s evil genius sentencing himself to an eternity of goofy hit-making penance. Read the rest at the Boston Globe

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Anonymous said...

'if I was putting together a list of bands'...i see what you did there...amirite guys?

Anonymous said...

Funny, I've got Weezer at the top of the List as well.


I see what everybody did everywhere.


-Santa Claus, half-assing it.

dcmp said...

History has been far too kind to Weezer. I always wanna know whatever happened to Gary Cooper.

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