This whole thing makes me sad on a couple of different levels, not least of which is the fact that people feel compelled to do stupid shit like this when they're down on their luck. Also that people are walking around that fat in the world. Jesus dude. Also, remind me if I ever go on a suicide mission to right injustice or whatever not to get my inspiration from a Natalie Portman film. Thanks in advance.
From CNN:
Clay Duke sat quietly through the first portion of the Bay District Schools, Florida, school board meeting Tuesday afternoon as local children were honored for their achievements.
When it came time for citizens to bring up issues, the 56-year-old resident calmly approached the front.
He spray painted a red "V" with a circle around it on the wall, brandished a small-caliber handgun and ordered the room cleared at a Panama City schools building.
"Six men stay. Everyone else leave," the burly gunman said.
From there, things do not go so well. You can watch the video and see for yourself. Either this guy is a really bad shot, or as some reports are suggesting, his gun was loaded with blanks. I wonder how long it will be before liberals start branding him a Tea Party psycho, and they'll return the favor by saying he's a liberal who was looking for a hand out from the big bad rich people. Woops, that's already going on everywhere. Watch the video over there ---->
Gawker has what is allegedly a note taken from Duke's Facebook page, although it seems a fake account has already been set up under his name, (doing that.) so it's not clear if it's actually from him. Mehh, close enough.
My Testament: Some people (the government sponsored media) will say I was evil, a monster (V)… no… I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95% of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats… same-same… rich… they take turns fleecing us… our few dollars… pyramiding the wealth for themselves. The 95%… the us, in US of A, are the neo slaves of the Global South. Our Masters, the Wealthy, do, as they like to us…
Umm... call me a crazy Florida school board gunman, but I really don't see anything too crazy going on there. Aside from the whole hostage-taking, murderous rampage thing.

wow, that dude might be the worst shot ever. good on the one yapper who tried to reason with him. that took some balls.
Purse swinger isn't so sharp though innit?
How does he manage to shoot himself in the head? Is it a bullet ricocheting off the front of the desk?
And if they were blanks, how did he kill himself? Wait, that's possible if you do it really close, right?
JUST NOT SURE dude. Blanks would probably explain how the first dude thought he got hit but didn't though.
More like school bored meeting, AMIRITE? All six have that seen-it-all-before another-fat-loser-in-mom-jeans-waving-a-gun-around thing going on. People who use ellipses too much should kill themselves, right? Wait a second...
^haha. Ellipses are strangely overused in internet communications lately.
The more I look at this guy's frustrated face the more depressed I'm getting. Man, life sucks. Also, something about that fleece pullover is really breaking my heart.
You need to focus on the heroic purse-wielding Ginger Littleton. Given homeboy’s skill level, she had about a 50/50 shot with that move. Also, the quote from A Few Good Men is my favorite closer of any violent tragic event article I’ve read all year.
CNN affiliate WMBB reported children and parents were at the meeting to be recognized for achievements, but were gone before the incident began.
but why is the cartoon in french?
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