Friday, December 3, 2010

Does this guy have a goatee? I bet this guy has a goatee


Via Boing Boing via KXLY via friend of the List Richard, via the via my fingers typing words on a computer via whatever the fuck it is people in Idaho get up to comes this heartwarming story of American ingenuity. 

The homeowner who had the offensive snow sculpture in front of his home is Mark, who was profiled by KXLY back in July when he posted flags ranging from an Aryan Nations flag to an SS flag at his home, drawing the ire of his neighbors. Then in October he angered residents further when, according to neighbors, he passed out bullets on Halloween. Mark refuted his neighbors claims, saying he didn't actually pass out bullets, but rather he passed out bullet casings, and only did so after he ran out of candy.  A self-described white separatist, Mark, who declined to give his last name during an interview in July, said Wednesday there was nothing wrong with his snowman.

Oh, only bullet casings? My bad, carry on. So what do you think this feller looks like? I bet he has a goatee. You might be surprised to see for yourself. Let's find out after I make you follow a link for no reason.

Come on that was too easy wasn't it? The lesson here? Goatees are racist.  How about those flags though, are those racist? “I have every right to hang ‘em and fly ‘em,” Mark said, of his flags, calling them "a little bit of white pride."

“I’d rather not live amongst people who are not of my race and culture.”

I know what you mean, buddy. I know what you mean. 

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what do you think his t-shirt says? you know it says something.

nba #1 excitement said...

Michael Jordan posting up on Bill Cosby for six the other way?

Anonymous said...

What does his goatee say?


there is definitely something wrong with his snowman.

Anonymous said...

The fact that it's a KKK snow man, maybe?

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