Friday, February 18, 2011

Americans are working themselves to death

You ever find yourself thinking as you drag your lifeless husk of meat into the office every morning that no one appreciates you and there's no point to the whole charade? That they could prop up a dead body in your cubicle and it wouldn't make much of a noticeable difference? Yeah, well, it depends on how long they let it sit there apparently. 

A 51 year old Los Angeles woman, who must have worked in the most congenial office ever, died at her desk this week, but that didn't stop her from burning the midnight oil and putting in one more day's work. "Though she died on Friday," Time reports, "she was unnoticed at her desk in the Department of Internal Services until Saturday. The county coroner is yet to determine the cause of death."

There is a silver lining to this brutal reminder of our daily slog through the hopeless void though: at least one poor sap isn't getting their money fucked with for a little while. "When she passed away, Wells, who worked in risk management, was performing an audit."

Death and taxes, dudes. Death and taxes.

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I've always said my office is just like the LA subway system.


no one knows it exists?

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