Thursday, February 10, 2011

Harry Potter dubstep pole dance is making my pole dance, if you know what I mean (penis-wise)

My wand dance. I should have said making my wand dance. Goddammit Luke.

Shit, we're rolling? Oh, hello. If anyone had bothered to tell me that this whole Harry Potter deal had anything to do with smoking chicks in school girl skirts doing insane pole dance routines to dub step I might have gone back in time and erased my decades of reading quality literature so I could suffer through one of these piece of shit children's books with a straight face.

If we're being honest here though, and we usually aren't, this post was just an excuse for me to type the words Harry Potter, boner, and school girl together in one place like I've been meaning to for a while. I'm hoping to attract more of a fan fiction pervert demo this quarter.  Any marketing expert will tell you that's where the real money is.

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mehhz said...

Like one of those snakes that pops out of an A-rabs basket and hypnotizes you. But you can see the snake's panties.


I'd like to get hypnotized by her snake, if you know what I mean. Wait.

Anonymous said...

That sounds potentially painful


That was awesome. I got a "The Craft" vibe as well as the obvious Potter... Pole dancing is serious bizniz.

Anonymous said...

Loved the Craft in my day. Witches aint shit.


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order essay said...

fuck dubstep!! it's not a music, it's a bullshit!! I mean it!

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