Mexico is fucked, no question about that. I blame most of you dirtbags with your illegal drugs and your inability to organize effective street marches. The ghost of your hippy boomer parents spits on the grave of your future dead activist spirit. That doesn't make any sense.
There isn't really anything funny about this story, but one line in particular stands out, see if you can pick it out. From Newser:
Furious audience members killed two members of a band in Mexico after being told the music had to stop. The band—faced with demands for more from a group of drunk, aggressive audience members—had already played one encore at the Guadalajara bar before the owner pulled the plug long after closing time, the New York Daily News reports.
One of the instigators threw a grenade at the stage after the music stopped. The band fled for the exit but musicians were met with a hail of bullets that killed two of them, including 22-year-old bandleader Jonathan Martinez. Police believe the attackers were connected to drug gangs, but they have little to go on, as nobody was able to provide details about the shooters' getaway vehicle.
So, just we're straight here, these guys liked the band so much and wanted to be able to hear them play longer, so they fucking murdered them? Mira, estupido, No creo que lo estás haciendo bien.
In contrast, back in my band days I played a few shows where people didn't clap so much in between songs. One time we had to ride a few hours in a snow storm in a van that was leaking gas fumes. So I guess I can relate to this in a way.

One of the instigators threw a grenade at the stage after the music stopped. One of the instigators threw a grenade at the stage after the music stopped. One of the instigators threw a grenade at the stage after the music stopped. One of the instigators threw a grenade at the stage after the music stopped. One of the instigators threw a grenade at the stage after the music stopped.
I know.
Should throw a few grenades at next years BMA's ...
Literally coming to a music theater near all of us.
this guy
I live in guadalajara... last weekend there were 7 'narcoblocks' across the city! here's 'the sucky part', this is not happening far away from the city n e more, shit even that bar you are talking about it's pretty far from where 'normie' ppl go to.
but the narco-blocks are happening on the most exclusive areas, guadalajara is the 2nd richest city in mexico and it's starting to scare the SHIT out of every 1; media is trying to cover up everything, but yes my non-chilango cool city
is becoming one of the most dangerous ones.
P.S fuck this shit Im going to London
That is pretty fascinating dude. What's a "narcoblock"?
pretty sure it's when you pretend you're out of chalk so you don't have to share with your even poorer douchebag friends.
'narco-block' is when mayor drug dealers send their ppl to do a mess in the city, they steal buses and stuff and set them on fire on big avenues thereby blocking traffic.
they do this to pressure the government to leave them alone...supposedly, sounds coo coo I know, but this is the presidents fault; on july 2010 the president ordered to kill chapo guzman's right hand in guadalajara, he was THE 'coronel' of this whole area , so guadalajara was peaceful, now he is dead and all the violence is basically bc other cartels are trying to take over.
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