Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bitch your pancakes look fine to me

Well, I guess no one wants to talk about how we're all going to die and the countless reminders of it that lurk around every corner, so how about a fight over syrup at a Denny's? That's basically the same concept, only stupider. 

Fighting at Denny's is kind of totally hot right now, if you remember this amazing Halloween brawl from last year in Oakland.

This time the shit went down in Chicopee, MA, which is a city I've never been to despite living here most of my life. The decription from the original YouTube  explains it all. 
The fight began when the couple realized they had no maple syrup for your pancakes. Asked on the table when they could have some of them, because their pancakes not taste the same without maple syrup, and was one of the two girls answer "bitch, you look good to me pancakes!" And then all hell broke loose.
Explains it all poorly, but still. Watch the double fight card (two fights in one!) after the jump. 

In case you were curious about checking this place out, I did a little research on Yelp, and found some very interesting news. 

The food is never really bad, just don't expect hotel service. Sometimes the cheese on your fries is so late that the cheese has turned solid again, sometimes the food in general is really late. The shakes kick ass.

I hate it when my cheese is late. 

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Anonymous said...

Haymakers and shit.

ms. trouble said...

you can put late cheese right on the list


Ha! What does that even mean on this context? Besides, you know...

Max Fresh said...

My god, people are too stupid to be allowed to live. One can only hope that YouTube will be recorded by history as the mechanism that got eugenics going in this country.

sweaty dan said...

To be fair, I get a little cranky when my cheese is late.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to finally see even a minimal amount of editing in one of these fight videos.


Pretty clear picture quality too! I can't wait to see what the fight videos of the future are going to look like. lazers and shit.

Anonymous said...

You should really visit Chicopee. Not only for its shittiness, but for its buffalo wings.


Do they have THE BEST WINGS EVER there?

nervous ben said...

dirty keks on the bug un' who got hammered first innit


I didn't look that close. zoof.

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