As a journalist, how can you tell when you've got a decent controversial story on your hands? Well, one good sign is when this is one of the leading quotes in your piece:
"Seriously?" state NAACP president Derrick Johnson said when he was told about the [proposed license plate]. "Wow."
Actually, as far as I know, that's just like a stock quote they keep on hand like clip art and just paste it in any time anyone in Mississippi does anything. Although in this case it happens to be the appropriate reaction. From the Huffington Post:
A fight is brewing in Mississippi over a proposal to issue specialty licene plates honoring Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was an early leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
Forrest, or Gump, as he was sometimes called 150 years in the future by a race-traitor typing on a magic contrivance of typography, "is revered by some as a military genius," meaning he killed shit loads of coloreds right good.
He is "reviled by others for leading an 1864 massacre of black Union troops at Fort Pillow, Tenn." Oh, one more little thing, dude was a Klan grand wizard after the war. You know what they say though, spend a career as an accomplished general and no one cares. Do one lengthy stint as a founder of the fucking KKK and that's all anyone is every going to talk about.
The group behind the push for the commemorative license plate -- which, by the way, that's what you spend your time doing? Devising license plates? I don't care what your group's cause is... come on with that shit -- is called Sons of Confederate Veterans. One of their members, Greg Stewart, thinks Gump's distancing himself from the Klan in his later years makes the boo boo go away.
"If Christian redemption means anything... he says, (it doesn't) "...and we all want redemption, I think, he redeemed himself in his own time, in his own actions, in his own words," Stewart said. "We should respect that."
Maybe so. Oh wait. Shit, here's a quickie solution: instead of license plates, these guys should team up with the novelty car mustache company from a few posts ago to design some sort of waaacckkkadoodles decoration to the front of their cars that makes everyone happy. I'm thinking, like, a rope of some sort? I haven't really thought through all of the logistics there, or any of them really, but it sounds like it could really catch on down there in Mississippi.
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Some of these girls... I dunno. Maybe I just wouldn't steer the conversation towards civil rights and we'd be in the clear?
Shitting on the south.
conversely, not shitting on the south.
Both good points. That had not occurred to us, Dude.
christian redemption is some racist shit, yo, ask parole-board charlie.
i wanna role that flag up and hump it [she said].
That's the only thing hump-worthy up there.
Mississippi is the blackest state in the country. No wonder its test scores are so low.
That's racist.
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