Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I blew my brain load over this band the other day on here, so I decided to interview them for Street Carnage.

It’s been a while since I stopped giving a shit whether or not another My Bloody Valentine album was ever going to come out. Other dudes were like, “Fuck it, we’ll make it ourselves,” like these cats in . That’s called DIY, I think.

Is it possible to wear out your YouTube player to the point that it starts skipping, because that’s how many times I’ve spun this video for “So High.” I feel like a Scottish guy in a striped sweater just popped out of a time machine and smashed my brain in the nuts with an effects pedal. For real though, this is on some Pavlovian response level for me. I missed out on the first wave of this shit on account of being a snot-nosed brat at the time, but it’s totally teleporting me to the Don Hill’s basement circa 2000. This is gonna be the best night ever, you guys.


Oh. Some of the readers of this site are probably going to shit on up you for sounding like MBV+JAMC+The Primitives. Does that bother you, or is that exactly what you were going for?

Who are you talking about? Are those bands from Brooklyn?

Has everything that can be done in dreampop/shoegaze/whatever been done, and it’s just a matter of making it your own now? Or is there a way to push it beyond the normal tropes?

I dunno, I mean we do the guitar tremolo thing and have a guy and a girl singer, but we don’t want to be boring. We try to strain our balls and fallopian tubes when we are playing.

What percentage of your male fans are crushing out on Alex? Aside from sketchy dudes like me and every single person I’ve sent links of your videos to, I mean. Is that sort of thing a blessing or a curse?

Probably about 68% and, in Japan, 70% of girls. It’s such a band babe bonus. We just shine a big spotlight on Alex because she really deserves it, ya know?

You’re on tour in the UK now, or you just were? Are they going insane for you over there or what? What about Japan? I saw this pretty awkward interview you guys did where you were all, “We like Japan because they like us.” What was that like?

The UK is fun and people have been alright. It’s better than Iowa and Nebraska! Japan is across the international dateline so it feels really futuristic there. I think people like us the most there, and we all want to move there and get a reality TV show where we play shugeizu all dayzu.

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i don't like the crook of that guy's answering bone.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so 90z.

Anonymous said...

great interview



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