Saturday, February 19, 2011

The gayest tattoo I have ever seen (literally)

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:28 - God, literally talking to some guy
No one ever said the religious or the homophobic (same thing actually), were renowned for their sense of irony, or their ability to read, so the greatest tattoo of all time probably shouldn't come as a surprise. And yet somehow they still manage to dream up new ways of giving us shame-based aneurysm boners over there in the dumb factory, don't they? Like  homeboy over here, a proud god-fearing fellow no doubt. PTSOTL douche-detector Richard Bouchard pointed this guy at my face. He had this to say:
"Idiot here got Leviticus 18:22, which is the Bible verse that stupid people cite when they tell you that God hates fags, tattooed on his arm. If you didn't grow up in a fundamentalist Christian cult society like I did, you might not know that the book of Leviticus is just full of dumb rules that God supposedly told Moses to write down, but this is the only one that anybody pays attention to. Including my man here, because if he'd read a little more he'd realize that Leviticus 19:28 forbids tattoos. I guess God hates him now, too."

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Anonymous said...

Flamingo neck tattoo guy still wins.

Sweet Chet said...

I like how the poor guy needs a reminder not to lust for man-flesh. I bet his dad was a real a-hole.


For a similar reason I have a tattoo on my bicep that says "jsyk: vagina"


Am I the only one who thinks it's racist when people still capitalize the word god?

Anonymous said...

Matt Damon kicked ass in that movie.


-a retarded alien, trying to pass as human, walking out of The Borne Identity


haha good one.

Anonymous said...

The last time a group came to my house to introduce me to god I merely asked which one they worshiped. Still don't understand what upset them.

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