Friday, February 4, 2011

What is unemployment?

beta-testing early email platforms

Haha, remember when we all laughed at Katie Couric and Bryant Gumble for not being scientists from the future with that ? No? It was like three days ago dude. 

So....that was funny for most of us. Not the narcs at NBC though, who've apparently fired the guy who leaked the video according to, well, "" further solidifying what anyone who's suffered through five seconds of "Outsourced" or "Perfect Couples" already knows: NBC doesn't have a sense of humor. (Haha, good call buddy). 

There's one important question here that no one seems to be asking in all the hullabaloo about this video, though, and that is what the fuck is the internet? For real. I still have no idea.

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employment genius said...

This is a great site and contains fantastic contents. Thanks for sharing this to us.


A suspicious thank you!

employment genius said...

There is an interesting debate in the blogosphere exploring the reasons for the persistent high unemployment rates in the US and elsewhere. Conservatives lay the blame on the structural skills mismatch and argue that this cannot be resolved through any stimulus spending measures. Liberals claim that the massive slump in aggregate demand from the boom, means that there are massive idling resources which can be brought to work with an appropriately structured stimulus program.


I thought we just had to cut taxes for billionaires so they can feel safe to create jobs for us bums?

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