I have nothing to add here. I feel like making jokes in the face of this nuclear-level explosion of stupid would just be disrespectful, like talking shit about a corpse at a funeral. Just keep this story in mind next election cycle when we're one-upping eachother with indifference and talking about how it doesn't matter who we vote into power because they're all the same.
GOP Lawmaker Mike Beard Claims God Will Provide Unlimited Natural Resources
Mike Beard, a Republican state representative from Minnesota, recently argued that coal mining should resume in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, in part because he believes God has created an earth that will provide unlimited natural resources.
"God is not capricious. He's given us a creation that is dynamically stable," Beard told MinnPost. "We are not going to run out of anything."
Beard is currently in the midst of drafting legislation that would overturn Minnesota's moratorium on coal-fired power plants, an effort that he backs due to his religious belief that God will provide limitless resources while ensuring that humans don't destroy the planet trying to get them...
"It is the height of hubris to think we could [destroy the earth]," Beard told MinnPost, before saying that even devastating nuclear events shouldn't cast doubt on his theory that the earth can always be repaired. Huffington Post
That's all. Good day.

Holy hell. How did I miss this for a while day?
Isn't there something about church and state to be said here?
MN state reps, embarrassing the actual sane Minnesota folks one by one. Fuck.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I personally hold you responsible for this.
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