Thursday, February 17, 2011

Literally the worst piece of shit cover song I have ever heard in my life

Not sure how I missed this mess when it happened, but fate has a curious way of conspiring against our best wishes and now here we are and nothing will ever be the same again.

Yes, I know this sort of thing has been going on for decades now, where we have to hear the beloved songs of our youth stripped of everything that made them joyous and exuberant  in the first place and turned into yet another watered-down bottle-service in the club soundtrack, but there's an important distinction here: they never did it to my shit before. None of the old disco or new wave covers that rappers routinely fart out into the world mattered to me, because who cared about the original in the first place? Someone else, that's who. I think I'm finally starting to understand why everyone hates music now. 

You ever swallow a handful of vitamins on an empty stomach? You know that queasy feeling where you're not sure if you have to puke or shit, but your stomach is straight grinding up medicinal chalk dust back up into your esophasgus? This songs sounds like that feels. 

Douche your ears out with the original. You'll need to.

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I have to keep going back to check that it's as bad as I think it is.

gaz's coke skeleton said...

Turn that shit off. Turn it off.

Anonymous said...

but dude! They are skateboarding! So, you's all cool.

Anonymous said...

CA party time skateboard bros are just bros in different pants. #BROCULTURE4LYFE

dcmp said...

Just a young punk trying to have a good time, luke. Leave him alone.


You know, I guess you're right in a way, thinking about it in the context of the song's meaning. I am officially old.

dcmp said...

I still go to parties like that


But they aren't playing this song.

kayley said...

Better or worse than this weird ass cover of Suede's Beautiful Ones?


OH MY GOD. That is amazing. I kind of love that cover for all the exact opposite reasons I hate the Supergrass one.

dcmp said...

Sweet Jesus that Suede cover fucking rules


Yes, yes it is.

Anonymous said...

I guess this would be as good a time as any to revisit this:

Sweet Chet. said...

I hope the song is a huge hit so Supergrass can each get a car.

lukes ghost said...

That's a good point too. I never minded that ronson smiths cover that much for some reason. You have to work real hard to fuck up songs that good.

Anonymous said...

why does he make the 'call me' dbag hand motion when he says shelf. a shelf is not a phone. i dont even know...


I don't know what sign you're referring to, sir or madame, but I'm definitely not going back to look.

Anonymous said...

New version is vastly superior, he's great live as well.


I wish that was the real Bizzle.

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