Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sitting down IN YOUR FACE

No words to describe it.  They should have sent a poet. So stupid. So stupid... I had no idea.

If you're just getting up this morning and haven't had your coffee and deuce just yet, you might not want to watch this video until after. You'll be constipated with the stupid for the rest of the day.

Apparently what we've got going on here in Germany is a lot like skateboarding, only they've removed those boring old wheels that enable people to do all those death-defying high-speed jumps and tricks -- I mean illusions. 

Thanks to Terry Turnipseed for the tip.

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luke at the dry cleaner said...

Proper citation provided you big nelly.

janeydoe said...

Efficient Germans. Where ever they go, they have a seat.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Our only hope is that people dumb enough to do this damage their nads and stop making sperm so that they won't further the "sport" through their offspring.


Hey, I invented sitting as a sport. And it looks nothing like this.

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