Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hot ass syndrome is killing America's youth

via Girls In Cute Underwear

My man The Fool is one of my colleagues over at Street Carnage. Unlike me he has the good sense not to write really questionable shit under his actual name. Score one for Canadian common sense there. Go read his stuff. He had this to say about the state of America's asses.

Is that your ass up there? If so, I have terrible news for you: No one will ever love you for who you really are. Don't get too down about it though. There are other girls out there who also have it pretty rough:

This girl has never heard the truth in her entire life. Can you imagine what that must be like?

Or put yourself in her position. How would you feel if the whole world never cared about whether or not you ever turned around to face it again?

Everyone always assumes that being beautiful is easy. Try wrapping your mind around how distorted this woman's perception of the world must be. There are only three types of guys who'll ever talk to her: regular guys who say anything they think she wants to hear, losers who read a Neil Strauss book and think that telling her how crooked her teeth are is a good way to break ice, or really rich guys who feel as though their money entitles them to her interest.

Then there are the women who hate her for being a skinny bitch with a perfect ass. Can you blame them?

This girls ass just started its first year at College. It has never paid for a drink at the bar, and it never will.

The moral of the story is: appreciate everything about yourself. Love yourself for who you are. There may be no one out there willing to marry you strictly for your torso but at least at the end of the day you can take comfort in knowing that your world is REAL, and that's all that really matters, right?

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some fag said...


dude with a boner said...

Those asses depress me for different reasons entirely.


I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

I'd fuck No.4 so hard.

luke's boner said...

Yeah, but only her, right? The rest are like, whatever.


according to my hazy memory of something i might have read on wikipedia one time, the conventional "heart" image is an homage to a woman's bum. these pics make a convincing case.

Anonymous said...

Was there an article?

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