Sunday, April 10, 2011

46% Of Mississippi Republicans Want Interracial Marriage Banned

artificial boundaries, man.

NewsOne has this not-that-surprising piece about a poll taken in Mississippi recently by a group called Public Policy that found 46% of Republican voters approve of a ban on interracial marriage.
We asked voters on this poll whether they think interracial marriage should be legal or illegal- 46% of Mississippi Republicans said it should be illegal to just 40% who think it should be legal. For the most part there aren’t any huge divides in how voters view the candidates or who they support for the nomination based on their attitudes about interracial marriage but there are a few exceptions.
Is that racist? Hard to say for sure. What do you think, most insane-sounding dude I could find in the cavalcade of horror that is the story's comment section?

i must say that most of mixed relations are those of lower class,,,,most of the white i ‘ve seen with black men in my area are PWT’S from the trailer parks or some trashy part of town but on the other hand the black men are about the same,,the least educated , half ass employed or worst,,,,actually no truely self respected white women or black one woud ever marry outside their race,,,,,most of the kids that are mixed in my classroom don’t always get along and not really respected by eilther side….i have also noticed that most try to hard to be part of each others family but generally are not truely accepted…for the most part those of us who are from the south and have been born of this deseaded blood is due to rape and humiliation from the past and each time we see the poision that runs through are bodies for it’s a reminder of what that pig of a person did to some of us,,,ATTENTION ,,,YOU CAN DRESS LIKE A WHITE MAN , TALK LIKE HIM AND EVEN FUCH HIS WOMEN BUT U ARE STILL JUST A MONKEY ASS NIGGA TO HIM…AND THAT IS STATED IN PRINT

There you have it. Stated right there in print. Hard to argue with that. 

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Jimmy Mushrooms Inc. said...

Jane, stop this crazy thing! (internetz)


Forget what I said a while back, commenting on the internet should be outlawed.

Glen said...

I wasn't letting is comment get to me until I saw the words "in my classroom," now I want to cry myself to death.


That was the rub for me too.

Anonymous said...

Public Policy Polling (PPP) is an American Democratic Party-affiliated polling firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.[1][2][3] PPP was founded in 2001 by businessman and Democratic pollster Dean Debnam, the firm's current president and chief executive officer.[1][4] The company's surveys use Interactive Voice Response (IVR), an automated questionnaire used by other polling firms such as SurveyUSA and Rasmussen Reports.[5]

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he spelled it out there at the end.


It's stated in print, therefor you lose.

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