Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lesser of two evils. Two, stupid, stupid evils

Mario Tama/Getty Images

Remember Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who stirred up a media frenzy over his plans to teach false gods a lesson by burning the Koran a while back? He finally went through with it last month, holding a mock trial and burning of the Koran, which, surprisingly, pissed off exactly the type of person he was hoping to piss off. Mission accomplished!

So how did those guys over there take it? About like you'd expect.  "It sparked violent protests in Afghanistan, where an angry mob over-ran a U.N. mission in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. The death toll on Saturday climbed to at least 10 with 83 people wounded," reports the Daily News.

Not my problem, shrugged Jones in response to the violence.
"We do not feel responsible," Jones told ABC's Nightline on Friday, speaking about his Gainesville church.  "We feel more that the Muslims and radical Islam uses that as an excuse. If they didn't use us as an excuse, they would use a different excuse," Jones said.
Never thought I'd say this, but this horrible piece of human shit Christocrat fameball kind of has a point.

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As I said elsewhere just now:
There is enough room for hatred in my heart for religious extremists of both kinds mentioned here.

Religious violence is worthy of scorn no matter who is doing it. It's like a brawl between fans of prop comedy and illusionists.

Greg said...

i hate to agree with you on this one Luke, but good point. I'd just much rather hate on proudly misinformed, manipulative, redneck than a sexist, violent radical, because I hold the redneck to a slightly higher standard....that was maybe to honest for a blog comment haha


No, I understand your point. There's a difference between being a ridiculous stereotype joke who stages publicity stunts to trick people out of their money, and being someone who literally murder people for symbolic bullshit like this.

Anonymous said...

That mustache.


how is it that the fact that most religions strive to teach the exact opposite of hate and violence is so often lost on the most devote followers?

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