Tuesday, April 12, 2011


From MediaMatters comes this shocking proof that not only was Barrack HUSSEIN Obama a Hawaiian Muslim and Radical Christian from Kenya who went to school in Pakistan, but he also never fucking existed. So who is that guy pretending to be the president then?
Jack Cashill, author of the charmingly insane book Deconstructing Obama, claims to have unearthed yet another shocking bombshell about Barack Obama's past. According to Cashill's WorldNetDaily column this morning, this photo of young Barack Obama and his grandparents in New York is a forgery into which Obama has been photoshopped:
How far back does this plot go? We may never know.  Check out the amazing photo-editing skills on display over there and ask yourself this one question: If that's not Obama's Muslim knee in the original, then whose is it? And what did his grandparents do to that guy? Are they still holding him somewhere now? Was he murdered? Was it maybe an original, earlier prototype of Obama that they don't want us to know about? Only time will tell. Time and bracingly shameful stupidity.

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Obama is a witch-doctor (that's racist) who used his wizard powers to open a rift between dimensions. This is how he travels, and the camera just caught him as he was leaving to plan the muslimination of the western world. I thought everyone knew that.


They photo-shopped the bone out of his nose here too it seems.

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