Surprisingly my editor wouldn't let me use the term "slutwave" in my review of the show, or talk about Ke$ha's lyrics being like porn dialogue, like where they do that thing where they just narrate what's going on -- "You're fucking me right now. I'm sucking that dick." -- which is basically what all of her lyrics are. Not that explicit, but I mean just literal , boring observations about what's happening. I did manage to express how uncomfortable it is to be an old in a room full of teens cheering for a hand job shout out from the stage though, so call it even.
Glitter strewn among trashy tunes
Hard to believe it’s been less than two years since electro-pop vocoder dervish Ke$ha sprang forth onto the pop radar in a messy glop of glitter and whiskey-boasts with the release of her debut hit “Tik Tok.’’ Say what you will about the dominance of a certain other blonde dance-pop star, but we’re living in a post-Ke$ha world now. How downtrodden the city’s dance floors, how gray the world’s lipstick must have been in those B.K. years. (There was certainly less vaguely tribal face paint anyway.)
Descending from an elaborate stage rig that was a cross between the set of “Tron’’ and an installation of artful piping, the 24-year-old performer sang perched from on high in a bedazzled flack jacket and a glowing helmet, although multiple costume and set changes followed. Conveniently, many of her ridiculously memorable anthems like “Your Love Is My Drug,’’ “Take It Off,’’ and “We R Who We R’’ also served as real-time descriptions of what was transpiring in the crowd: “We’re dancing like we’re dumb’’; “I’ve got that glitter on my eyes’’; “This place about to blow.’’
A decadent bass-thump was presumably laid down by a synth band of backup musicians and dancers (at least one of whom belted forth a stellar upper register harmony), decked out as Santa Claus, extras from “The Warriors’’ and the sickest zombie skateboarder catalog ever, while Ke$ha took a few chancing swipes at a guitar, a post-apocalyptic keytar/spear contraption, or a drum pad. By the end she proved true to her word, the place did, indeed blow, and explosions of glitter from the rafters saw to it that we all had it in our eyes.
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1 comment:
I like Ke$ha. Her songs can be remixed excellently and her non chart topping songs like Animal and Boots and Boys are just good electro pop.
Also, I think it's funny how she has this crazy party girl persona when in reality she seems pretty down to earth and, unlike other pop tarts, actually had a normal, exploitation free childhood.
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