As I'm sure you know, we have teams of roving reporters scouring the world for evidence of the stupid and the awesome, and the stupidly awesome. PTSOTL drinking buddy Evan found this photo of what I'm assuming is the most Brazilian place of all time. I'd add more but that's racist, dude, and also those dance fighting Brazilians scare me.
Speaking of scary, Richard found this awful mutant hybrid of misplaced seventh generation immigrant pride. Half Italian, half Irish, all proud. That's on some mythological beast chimera type shit.
brought to you by
McDagos = Everyone I went to middle and high school with, also know as the South Shore.
Reppin Kingston up in here, son.
I hail from the B Tree. Braintree that is. Home to the Sacco & Vanzetti incident and that crazy bitch that shot up a college faculty lounge.
Home to the Redline hinterlands, and the mall innit?
Our glorious South Shore Plaza, where all the commerce comes from.
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