Thursday, April 21, 2011

Goddamn Bob from Goddamn Bob's Goddamn Furniture

Our Jake comes out of PTSOTL retirement with this bit. He makes wicked good songs by the way, go check them out here.

I keep waiting for this guy to go away. I don't know why I keep thinking that's going to happen. I moved to New York, partially to escape his commercials. But he is a presence in the entire Northeast. I doubt that I could hate anything or anyone more than Goddamn Bob from Goddamn Bob's Goddamn Furniture but if I do it is definitely his sycophantic orange sidekick. She enables Bob's megalomaniacal behavior. I call her Eva Braun. I will stop short of calling Bob Adolf Hitler, because the Hitler comparison has become so trite and overused; it is insulting to holocaust survivors and veterans, and because Bob is worse than Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Glenn Beck combined times a billion. Those guys may have done a lot of things but they never fucked me in the eyes and ears with cartoon versions of themselves on a regular basis.

Some things about GBFGBF that I'm assuming are true:

- He is from northern Connecticut but he is a Yankees fan.
- He hates black people
- He has never donated time or money to any charity but he has given generously to the Santorum campaign
- He's always going on and on about how much he loves bacon and just won't shut the fuck up about bacon
- He can't speak French but he acts like he can when he orders in a French restaurant.
- He thinks Gary Sinise seems like "a pretty cool dude"
- Every Easter he dresses up as the Easter bunny and jacks off into a shoe.
- He won't eat watermelon because it's "too ghetto."
- He has a horse named Chad.


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white shoes, small head, big horfs.


white shoes small head can't lose.

Anonymous said...

that accent.

Anonymous said...

"Every Easter he dresses up as the Easter bunny and jacks off into a shoe."



that vid made me think about purchasing a bob-o-pedic though. if that claymation dude is to be believed, they're pretty reasonably priced!

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