If it weren't for the internet I would very rarely get to see bad ass old timers like this Michael Jackson/ Old Man McGillicutty hybrid dancing his old balls off to a cover band playing Zeppelin (via Buzzfeed). But the internet has also forced me into a state of perpetual cynicism, where I keep expecting every damn thing I look at to be a scripted bit. Honestly, would you have been surprised at all if this was an advertisement for some retarded thing or other?
Everything is cheapened now by irony, is the point, which is a bummer, since being on guard all the time is the opposite of what pappy here is illustrating. That old cliche about how we should dance like no one is watching doesn't work anymore, because we all live our lives like trees falling in the forest. Perhaps we need an updated version, something like dance like you know people are watching at home in their pain caves, but fuck them, that's what. Fuck them right out of your dancing face.

that cover band ain't so bad neither.
Was a surprisingly decent sounding cover.
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