Friday, April 8, 2011

Stop telling people to smile

This bitch face bit from Kris Atomic is something you hear girls talk about all the time. I can't imagine what kind of awful clueless twat you'd have to be to walk up to someone you don't know and instruct them to smile by the authority of, well, by what authority? The power invested in you by the court of almighty douchiness?

I know how women feel though, and not because of what ever awesome one-liner you just thought of when you read that phrase. Instead it's because I stomp around the world looking like I want to destroy everything I see in a hail of lightning fire 100% of the time. It's pretty fucked up and unfair to project your own personal expectations for my happiness on me, especially since I actually only feel that way 75% of the day. 80% tops. The rest of the time I'm not depressed, or upset, or annoyed at the world, I'm just you, specifically, and no one else. Want to see me smile? Disappear.

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I wrote it and I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with that headline. Hrm.

titscience said...

It's like eye fucking, but not in the good way.


Sort of, I think.


I've been told to "SMILE!" a billion times. One hundred percent of those times were by guys.


In guys defense, they are all one hundred percent fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

Looking at people('s faces) is on the list.


That's facist.

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