Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Logo/ t-shirt design thing rolls on

Getting a few more submissions from peoples already today, and I want to bone all of these hypothetical t-shirts, and I don't mean like I do with the crusty ones in the corner of my closet right now. That's just sex, not love. It didn't mean anything, I swear. 

Epic homeboy Evan emailed me. "Lemme design a t-shit for you. What do you want on it?"

I dunno, says me. I am pretty open. I think you get the overall vibe. Wolves are cool, but so are old timey hip hop dudes and ice cream cones and cocaine. This about covers it: 


My man Declan has a pretty twisted mind. Both his efforts are gonna give me nightmares for a while. That's basically just me without tattoos, he says.

Leo took that suggestions someone made in the comments to the next level. This one should read: "My other worf is an ice cream blog." 

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i think i probably love that ice cream blog more than anyone in the world. including you. pretty sure dec designs my nightmares on the nightly. how bout you send me a beach scene w/ a sexxxy lass in a bikini as a bit of a reprieve, buddy?


I should sign over the rights of the ice cream blog to you. it's yours for ten million dollars.


hmmm. do you accept mapache internet buxxx?

Anonymous said...

David Lee Roth one is tight.

Anonymous said...

- a guy shopping for tiger striped leotards

Anonymous said...

These are definitely cooler than all the other blog t-shirts I see people wearing on a daily basis.


I am suspicious of that comment.

Anonymous said...


I believe I had claims on the ice cream blog LONG before anyone else even THOUGHT to lay claims upon it.


I hereby decree the ice cream blog MINE.

Tom Ford

Ps. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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