I think that's the jist of this post Can You Tell The Difference Between A Men’s Magazine And A Rapist? on Jezebel, which I was reading today because it's where I go when it's freezing outside and I need to warm myself up via raising my blood pressure and shooting steam out of my ears like an angry cartoon character. That's different than my normal manly persona, I should point out, which is a cartoon wolf in a tuxedo with eye ball boners who's so horny I can levitate.
Jezebel has a recap of a forthcoming study to be published in the British Journal of Psychology:
Researchers gave a group of men and women quotes from the British lad mags FHM, Loaded, Nuts and Zoo, as well as excerpts from interviews with actual convicted rapists originally published in the book The Rapist Files. The participants couldn't reliably identify which statements came from magazines and which from rapists — what's more, they rated the magazine quotes as slightly more derogatory than the statements made by men serving time for raping women.
Check out a few of the phrases the study used below, then read the rest at Jezebel via . See how good you are at distinguishing between the language used by actual hard core rapists and the other more garden variety kind who don't happen to work in the media. All men are just a hypothetical rape waiting to happen is what me and my girl Jezebel commenter Morgy always say. "I'm just gonna say all of those were from rapists, whether they are convicted or not," she wrote in the comments there. "Anyone who holds views like that has probably raped a woman." Effing nailed it with that my friend.
I was able to get them all right, because I actually have a lot in common with the type of criminality on display here. I mean writing really shitty, half-assed sentences about fluff in lifestyle magazines.
1. There's a certain way you can tell that a girl wants to have sex . . . The way they dress, they flaunt themselves.2. Some girls walk around in short-shorts . . . showing their body off . . . It just starts a man thinking that if he gets something like that, what can he do with it?3. A girl may like anal sex because it makes her feel incredibly naughty and she likes feeling like a dirty slut. If this is the case, you can try all sorts of humiliating acts to help live out her filthy fantasy.4. Mascara running down the cheeks means they've just been crying, and it was probably your fault . . . but you can cheer up the miserable beauty with a bit of the old in and out.5. What burns me up sometimes about girls is dick-teasers. They lead a man on and then shut him off right there.6. Filthy talk can be such a turn on for a girl . . . no one wants to be shagged by a mouse . . . A few compliments won't do any harm either . . . ‘I bet you want it from behind you dirty whore' . . .
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Went 15 for 16 correct. Missed #12. Either I read crap or I'm rapey.
The test was flawed for anyone who has every read a magazine before.
I got them all.
das rapist!
I guess they could use venn diagrams. Like most rapists are men. Most men like to fuck women. All of them are human too. And apparently there's this thing called the human condition. God Jezebel is a lump of shit.
There's only a couple raper comments that I wouldn't be into. Like, I don't think I'd like to trade in chicks for a lifetime of whores. Small things like that.
das rapist
I always talk about cheering up a girl with a bit of the old in-and-out before I rape them.
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