Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shittiest Simile of the Decade Award

Just like a love song, you guyz.

It was a close race between this song and everything you've ever said to your girlfriend when you were in a fight, but Shittiest Simile of the Decade Award goes to Selena Gomez for her outstanding achievements in making the world stupider with this funereal death march toward the windy ice lip of the chasm/charming, internationally-beloved electro-pop hit / bane of my daily gym walkabout through the corporeal realms of inoffensive satellite radio station mediocrity "Love You Like a Love Song."

Or is it a metaphor? I've never had to deconstruct something so retarded before, and I took a lot of poetry workshops at a remarkably undistinguished grad school. Regardless, I hate that lyric like a hate crime.

The song was written with words and instruments by Antonina Armato and Tim James, presumably two adult age humans, of The Rock Mafia organization, which sounds aptly named because they are fucking criminals. Also, Armato? Sounds a little, eh, if you get me. /mimes eating a plate of spaghetti /punches out second cousin.  According to their Wikipedia page, "the three founding members of The Rock Mafia organization have collectively sold over 100 million albums worldwide."

Video after the jump. Gotta say though, you look smoking, Selena<3<3. Smoking like a smoked salmon on a smoke break.

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Selena Gomez is a plague not unlike the Spanish Flu.
Sure It's Relevant?


I'm not sure, and I'm going to have to check, but I think that might be racist.


Woh, just realized this is riffing on the "Wild World" melody. Cat Stevens 4tw.

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