Great news everyone, we got to the root of the problem when it comes to the misuse of state funds and fraud in the country! As this story in today's Boston Herald, the boot-strappingest newspaper of choice of the hardworking set just trying to get to work to support their families here in Massachusetts points out, the overarching criminal syndicate that's bankrupting taxpayers just like you just received a critical blow.
"Federal, state and Lynn cops busted up a welfare fraud ring at a pair of convenience stores today, arresting several people for allegedly ripping off taxpayers with government-issued EBT cards, the Herald has learned."
Obviously this is a newsworthy thing that occurred in the city, so I'm not criticizing Dave Wedge, a fine reporter and my buddy, I should point out, for writing about it. It's the readers, the spiteful, constricted-sphincter hate-mongers who comment on the paper's stories that I'm concerned with here. Let's take a look at a few of the comments on the story to get the pulse of the real blue collar Americans who undoubtedly have the good of the state in mind when they're venting their frustrations.
deport these slimy sp1iccks..
Let's go after the biggest source of fraud; single mothers with live in baby daddy's. Their disposable income far exceeds many middle class families. Naaa, Barry Feingold, Tierney, and Deval Patrick would lose too many votes if we cracked down on that source of fraud. the democrat business model is to trade public assistance for votes.
The EBT crowd doesn't have to pay for cell phones, they get them for free. I'm sure you all have seen the ads. How does it become important for these people to have cell phones? YOU'RE POOR, LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT!
I guess the goal is for folks in the inner city to pay nothing to live. Except for their recreational drugs, mobile phones and cable service do these people pay for anything?
All good points, no question, and worthy of being shared. No one likes to see the system abused by anyone, whether it's for tens of dollars at a time, or billions. In fact, you know what would be great is if some of these regular, lower and middle class Americans came together to form some sort of, movement I guess you'd call it, in which they professed their dissatisfaction with, just spit-balling here, the unfairness of the economic model we're living under right now? I bet the people who read the Herald could get behind that, because if ripping off the taxpayers to the tune of a carton of Salem Lights and a bag of Funyuns inspires such rage, how about destroying the economy through greed on a scale multiple millions of times more egregious?
Oh right, we had that going for a minute with Occupy Boston. What did Herald readers think of that? Let's take a quick look at a few of the comments on this one typically illustrative piece Occupiers Need a Life:
And just as fast it fizzled out. It took the 98.9% of the rest of us (you know, the working stiffs who just watched $1 million of our tax dollars get wasted) to see right through this group as nothing more than an unemployable, whiny gimme mob. Unfortunately, they (the ones who weren't being paid to be there, at least) weren't bright enough to see that they were being used by the Left and the Unions to further their agendas.
These are the dispensable foot soldiers of the left. They are tolerated by the liberal mayors of the cities they occupied until the public turn against them and the cost is getting higher and higher. They don't represent the 99% as they claimed. They are basic anarchists who knows how to disrupt but can offer no solutions to the problems of today. Perfect Obama tools. Blame! Blame! Blame!. Now it's to close the ports of the west coast. Certainly no help to the workers at the port, the truck drivers, the merchants Etc. These folks all lose income but the OWS crowd don't care. Chaos is their goal. Can you imagine what the press would be saying if this was the Tea Party?
Maybe we should go Occupy some low-income housing in the poorer areas of the city and get the real bad guys here to pay for their sins? It's about time someone tried something. This taxpayer fraud has gone on for far too long.
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I liked this site better when it didn't write about politics so much. - like half the readers, probably.
These commenters are obviously stupid, but just because one thing is worse doesn't make the other thing non-existent.
I don't know why I ever read the comments section on any news/political story, but I usually do. Although, yesterday I was happy that didn't have a comment section on the story about the transgender twin from Maine. Unfortunately, ABC News must think the comment section is where healthy debate occurs.
Hoo boy, don't think I have the energy to look through that right now. I'm at hatred capacity for the day.
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