Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jon Huntsman's daughters bringing cringing back

Considering how "I would enjoy sharing a cold beer or two with that gentleman" is what usually passes for political thought in this country when it comes time to elect a president, I'm not sure if "I want to have a four way with his daughters" is either a step forward or back. Gonna go reflect on it for a minute or three in my masturbation dungeon. brb.

Turns out it's not. But it was a close call. 

Fuck it anyway, said presidential candidate and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, aka, the other Mormon dude. I'm not going to win anyway, so I might as well embarrass the shit out of my daughters, which is exactly what happened with their new paraody of Justin Timberlake's "SexyBack" called "Huntsman's Back."  I'm just going to go ahead and assume it's horrible without listening to it because I just can't this morning, it's, it's been a long week, and, well,you understand. Watch it for me though, k?

It's too bad, because Huntsman is what you might refer to as "not that horrible-seeming of a person" and a "plausibly reasonable candidate, relatively speaking" which is a nice change of pace from a field of cretins and lick-spittles whose daughters are significantly less bangable.

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It is horrible. Either they couldn't be bothered to auto tune this shit, or they are impervious to its magic. Oh, and I hate you for posting it.

c4 said...

Nuclear cringebomb


Should have gone with "I'm a ruin you Hunt-sman." (via Azealia Banks)

Anonymous said...

I kind of like it.

Anonymous said...

The middle one, Abby. That's some good looking Mormon trim.

Owen said...

This is going to be one of those things where I leave the video in an open tab all day, never get quite bored enough to watch it, close out the tab before I go home, and then forget that it ever existed.

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