Monday, December 5, 2011

Barstool Sports: the most racist blog on the internet

Barstool Sports is an extremely popular website, particularly here in Boston where it was started. I read it from time to time for the same reason I might tune in to Rush Limbaugh when I'm in the car (I like tits), or that I'm tempted to hurl myself in front of the oncoming Red Line train. Who the fuck knows why is why. Also sometimes it's advantageous to see what you're up against. The problem is it's the most racist blog on the internet, and that includes Fox News and the the fuckyeahKKK Tumblr.

I've written about the site lately in a few posts like Barstool Sports, child pornography, and the case of Tom Brady's penis, Final thoughts on the Tom Brady baby dix saga, and The real meaning of the Occupy movement | Adam Carolla is a corporate toadie hack, and I've got a little something about the site's founder Dave Portnoy in this week's upcoming Boston Phoenix 100 Unsexiest Men of 2011 coming up, so I won't add too much more here to that pile of shit, but I will admit,  I do sometimes think it would be nice to have Barstool Sports' traffic here at PTSOTL. Of course then I'm there and I'm instantly reminded of the type of cretinous racist commenters they have on almost every thread  and it doesn't seem worth it.  Here are a few choice gems from today's Good Samaritan Gets Curb Stomed For His Trouble.

"What color are the savages? I can’t see, it’s too dark."

"So Eugenics and sterilizing black (monkey) babies wasn’t a bad idea after all.."

"typical moon crickets"

"Genuinely shocked that black people would do something so terrible."

"I can’t believe that guy who sucker punched him from behind then stomped his brains out of his earholes while he was unconscious is a black guy." 

Granted, that's pretty much what every single comment thread on every YouTube video and every city newspaper looks like, no matter what the topic, ("What do you call a black guy that cures cancer on Mars?") but for some reason it seems worse to me here, on a locally born successful site that I remember starting out with its streetside boxes back around the time I was starting out at the Dig. Now it's a money making machine, with tens of thousands of devoted followers if not many times that. Congratulations on the success gang. It's a real heart warming Horatio Alger story, an empire built on the back of thousands of fratty lube-fisted bros acting out on their inherent racist and sexist impulses with impunity. The American Dream exists after all.

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Anonymous said...

not really into spelling smack but oof this is some dada-ist shit.

by darthbelichick on December 5, 2011 at 4:44 pm

That samariton got torchered trying to help

Anonymous said...

oh in case, any barstool cats end up reading this... it means this.


Moon Cricket? How racist do you have to be for that to make any sense? I just plain don't get it, but then again I'm not a VP of Financial Services who graduated from BU and lives in a Condo in Watertown.

Meg said...

I hope you sent this to them.

Meg said...

What the fuck is that a picture of?

luke said...

To be clear, I don't think a blog is necessarily respnsible for all its comments, but this type of thing is seemingly encouraged and courted there. Considering their expressed political views in the content it isn't surprising.


@anonymous: Yeah, that was some 'when is a word not a word' shit.

@Mark: I have never really stopped to think too much about the etymology of 'moon cricket', but I think I will go do so now.

@Meg: Meh, I'm sure they would just feel like the negative attention is validation. I'm certainly not the first to criticize them.

Anonymous said...

luke, check the comments on the dean college entry from this afternoon on barstool. *at least* 1000x more offensive than what you've referenced above.


What, these? Pretty bad but I dunno if they're worse.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Thanks for the link, broski. I think I found my real home. Fucking muds.

Ha ha. Just kidding. I like to hear O'Neil cringe halfway across America. Nope not quite. White Power! There it is. Thanks Luke.

Anonymous said...

Let’s debunk this “good Samaritan” thing. A homeowners’ association president giving keys to some people renting a property sounds maybe a little more like a responsibility that goes along with the title.

Also, this guy realized IN HINDSIGHT that maybe calling the police would be a better idea than, while walking a bike and talking on a phone, trying to tell some boisterous people carrying on in a dark deserted-looking area to shut up? And no one, in the limited amount of comments I could stomach, calls this guy out as being a huge idiot exercising extremely poor judgment?

I have to admit, every time I hear the term “snowbirds” used in this context, I've kind of always wanted to see someone get hit in the head.


I don't disagree that the guy showed poor street smarts in his attempt there, no.


Oh, this is thread homwboy was talking about above

"planet of the apes started with smart monkeys, these guys have a few generations of evolution until they are intelligent. Asians>White People>Monkeys>Dolphins>Dogs>Black ppl"

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