Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Racist public transportation fight of the day

I never thought I'd say this, but the dystopian surveillance state we live in now may be actually good for something, and that's for filming racists acting out on public transportation. The only thing I like watching more than that is belligerently drunk fat asses falling on their duffs. 

Hard to tell what came before the altercation started being filmed, but in situations like this I wish more people would remember what Tomas Jefferson said in his A Decalogue of Canons for Observation in Practical Life. "When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, an hundred. And count to a billion before you make a misguided attempt at a Jet Li poll-grab jump kick thrust."

Bro-lady, I can't even pull that move off in a button-masher fight game, and you think it's going to work in the real world? Just because there are computers watching our every move now does't mean we actually live in the Matrix. OR DOES IT?

What do you think, did this woman have it coming getting shoved out of the bus by that one English dude, or was it over the line?

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Go back to where you came from!
That's what I'm doing, I'm riding the bus home to the town in England I was born.
Repeat forever.

Anonymous said...

Hard to tell unless we see how hard she hit the pavement on the way out. Looked like it could have been bad.


related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKKADFIEX84

via @visceralist 'while you're on the topic, Scottish "big man" puts hands on some young droog on a commuter train '

Anonymous said...

It's still ok to be racist against fat people and white bitches though, right?

Mortal Kombat said...

Finish her!

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