Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some people are tall, while other people are short

Most of you probably don't read blogs about the New England Patriots, because you have jobs/aren't pathetic losers like me with nothing to live for besides the fortunes of a sportsball club, but I wanted to share this photo courtesy of Pats punter Zoltan Mesko's Twitter account (via PFT) because it illustrates a very important point I think we would all do well to keep in mind: some people are tall (former Washington Bullet Gheorge Muresan,) while other people are short, (Pats running back Danny Woodhead <3  <3)  and a third group of people are somewhere right in the middle (Mesko). That's called the food chain I think.

" and George see eye to eye...definitely figuratively speaking haha "

Haha indeed, you said it Zoltan buddy.  Reminded me of this pro tip from back in the PTSOTL archives: Always Having to Point Out the Fat, Tall, Ugly, Skinny, Weird-Looking or Otherwise Outrageously Comical Person in the Room is a guaranteed winner. 

Never give up your dreams, you guys! Unless they're really unrealistic. 

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In case you have no idea who Danny Woodhead is you guys, he's the sportsballer person we love in Boston because he's small and white.


One of them I mean.

Anonymous said...

How's that gnome a football player?

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