Monday, March 28, 2011

American Apparel sexual harassment suit is complicated

This whole American Apparel sexual harassment situation is a big mess, right? On the one hand it bums me out big time, because, jesus, the things we do to get ahead...  But on the other hand it's great for page views, so you can see my predicament here.  Everyone loves a good sex scandal, especially when it's a vapid sideshow of filth and depravity and boy cut panties for communication majors.

Street Carnage seems to be of the opinion it's a libelous smear campaign by greedy bitches out to ruin a man's life. They also have a ton of pictures up of two of the girls in question. There are certainly no shortage of people lining up to label Dov Charney as a serious fucking scumbag either. He may well be. These girls might also be scheming sluts. The important thing is is that we all express our opinion about this groundbreaking story about a powerful rich man and young women who trade their bodies for access to that power and money, because nothing like it has ever happened before.

I happen to be of the controversial opinion that there isn't really anything funny about rape, but who knows what actually went on here. I also don't think that we should shame women who express themselves sexually, or decide that just because they wanted to get fucked at one point means they can therefor never be raped or sexually harassed.  

Ultimately, I don't really understand how these girls must feel, because the only time I ever got fucked by American Apparel was when the zipper on a shitty gray hoodie I bought from them came off after one wash. Any lawyer readers out there think I have a law suit? I'll forward you sexty n00dz if you think it helps my case.

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Anonymous said...

I demand the truth!


OK, ok, it came off after two washes.

Anonymous said...

These two are obviously trying to run a scam. Those text messages and emails don't sound like they came from someone who was scared for their lives.

Anonymous said...

I have read so many comments on this sexy fart fight I can't bring myself to care about it anymore.

Sergeant D said...

Reminds of the episode of South Park about sex addiction-- pretty brilliant:


Har. Oldest story isn't it? If god didn't want men to desire younger women, he wouldn't have made so much porn about that very topic, would he?

class action lawyer said...

Would these sexual harassment cases still be filed if the alleged perpetrator is a poor old man? I would doubt it.

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