Friday, March 4, 2011

People still hate Muslims I guess

To be honest I haven't even watched this video up there. I just really don't think I can stomach it right now, and on top of that I've got a lot of awesome Charlie Sheen jokes to laugh it in my Twitter feed. But the promise I made to each and every one of you guys personally when we signed our honor pledge that sewed us together for life, blog ass to eyeball mouth, was that wherever stupid lurked in the world, I would be here to repost someone else's reposting of someone else's reporting about it. So that's what I'm going to do. If you guys would be so kind as to watch the video and let me know what happens that would be much appreciated. 

Here's what Salon said about it. 

A protest of a Muslim fundraising event in Orange County last month devolved into chants of "Muhammed was a pervert," "you beat your wife and rape your children," and the like, according to a new video of the demonstration (see below).
The Feb. 13 Islamic Circle of North America event aimed to raise money to fund women's shelters and fight homelessness in the area. But attention was drawn to the event because of two controversial speakers, Siraj Wahhaj and Abdel Malik Ali.

Apparently those two are terrorists who are trying to bring down America like every single other person who has ever prayed to Allah, or whatever other version of magic they believe in under those funny hats. One of them did so much work in the planning and execution of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that he wasn't even charged with anything! You know how seriously we take the legal process when it comes to accusing people of terrorism here -- they don't just put that shit on any old Joe or Jane Alkhaiwani -- so the fact that we couldn't even rig up a charge for my man here is a little suspicious. Maybe the prosecution was in on it!? No telling how high up this thing goes. 

I can tell you how low it goes though. 

According to the Register, a splinter group of about 100 protesters broke off from the main demonstration to stand near the entrance of the fundraising event and shout at Muslim families as they walked in. Among the chants: "Go back home" ... "USA! USA!" ... "Muhammad was a pervert. Muhammed was a fraud. Muhammed was a false prophet."

Nothing really to add to that. Just think about what it must be like to be one of those people for a minute. Got to be a pretty traumatic experience. No, not the ones being yelled at, I mean the protesters. Imagine how hard it must be going through life that venal and full of rage?

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mfk said...

I saw this yesterday and felt literally physically ill for an hour or so. probably one of the ugliest things on the internet this week (and there's a whole lot of ugly this week).


Maybe if OBAMA had taken away all these people's jobs, they'd have less time to protest stupid bullshit?

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